Wednesday, 25 April 2007
Super Cheery Wednesday.
I must say that today is my super cheery wednesday. Yup it was, It started out a bit a boring today, cuz i supposed to group with 'abang' Jason, but he was absent. Haiz. But yet, he can go online on msn. But oh well, today's problem was easy, basically it was about message structure and we need to choose a correct structure to promote RP.
My team has decided to do a speech plus a bit of a slideshow, but it change that we're going to do a campus tour video. So by the 2nd meeting, Dickson,Yuwanna, J and I went around the school to shoot the video. Hahaha. Seriously, Dickson was so funny. Hehehe.
But the most funniest thing is when Team 3, which is made up of Wei Ling, Ahmad, Jun Rong and Mervin had asked me to record their role play using my video camera. Yeah, so i did. Omg, it was so freaking hillarious. First it was Ahmad, to act like a ultra nerd first year and Jun Rong is a so called Student Leader. My gosh, Ahmad is ultra nerd!!! His curly hair, high pants, high socks. Hahahahaha. We got so many NGs. We couldn't stop laughing. Our eyes were so red, we're gonna die laughing. My eyes got teary. Haiz. Hahahahaha.
Next since they cannot tahan Ahmad nerdness, Jun Rong switch roles with Ahmad, Ahmad is the Student Leader and Jun Rong was the nerd. My gosh, WORST!!! Jun Rong look like an 'apek' other than a nerd. Hahahaha. My gosh, we can't stop laughing. Seriously! Even during Team 3 presentation, we can't stop laughing. Haiz. My team's presentation started a bit shaky at the beginning. But when it comes to the video, we can't stop laughing to Dickson's funny part. Wei Ling said he's so photogenic(erm spelling?) Dickson was blushing! His face was so red!! It reminds me of Afriezal. Hahahaha. Freak!! What are you doing now man?
I just love Wednesdays. Ahaha. I was walking back home from school to Wdls Interchange, I saw Illah and I was so surprised to see Yawen. My gosh, i didnt recognise her. Haha. Yawen is pretty with her red hair. Yeah, cool! I wish i could dye my hair a lil bit red, erm, nah! Haha.
Ok back home, i took my shower and i fell asleep while watching Pangako Sa Yo. I have no choice, but to watch it cuz mum was watching it man! Even bro too! Haiz!! What's happening??!!! The show bores me. Honestly! Bro kept on asking me help about myspace. Haiz, Bro! You're already 26 and now you wanna sign up for myspace? Nvm. Then after dinner, it was my turn to hog the PC, i mean my laptop. I tried to do the normal RJ, but faci didn't publish it yet. Erm, good! I did the quiz and I got 5 correct out of 6!! Wah!!! First time sia! Monday was worst, zero!
Then Erika send me some shocking photos. It is Jasper and Cheryl doing modelling together. Erm, I must say they are pretty, but there's one photo that I think Cheryl look slutty. Oh well. Seeing Jasper's face again made Erika upset cuz all the good memories of her with him was on her mind again. Right now, she couldn't help it but cry. Damn, i wish i could be there to console her. Like I told you, I hate to see my best friends upset. Yup, I do! I've suggested different ways to make her forget about Jasper, but haiz, it doesn't work. Erika Unnie!! Hwaiting!!
Ok move on to a lighter note, I just watch the first 4 parts of Jihwaza. My gosh, yet again, damn hillarious. Of course, it features DBSK and also Shin Jung Hwan! He is so damn funny!! Haiz, lucky there's no Park Myung Soo, or else, hahahahaha. I feel like cutting Changmin's ponytail off. But at the same time, you look good with it too. Hehe. Jaejoong is always looking so good! Love ya, DBSK oppa!!
Erm, I might be away from home this weekend, cuz I might going for Camp, a sports camp, its gonna be fun and btw, I need to meet more friends. Dalinah and I are going to persuade the class tmr.
Oh did i told you that on Tuesday morning, i cried cuz of Kyuhyun again. Yup, I was watching MTV while waiting the time to go to school. And all of a sudden SUJU video 'U' came on. My gosh, my eyes got teary when i saw Kyuhyun. It totally ruined my eyeliner. So right now, SUJU members are officially taking a break, they can't possibly smile on stage while their fellow members were in hospital. Yup all 13 of them are taking a break. They deserved it. SUJU oppa, Hwaiting!!!Sarangheyo!
Ok that's about it,
Kayla Anika
Saturday, 21 April 2007
W35B ROCKS! Let's shoot Sherman on Monday!
Man! A week of school has passed, wow that was fast. Hahaha. Now is the weekends!!!!! Yippee!
So this is what happen on Thursday;
Our module for that day was about Maths and Computing. Yup. My group members was erm, Sherman, Dalvin, Siti and Qiyang. I was introduced to a new software that creates simple programme called Visual Basics. I've heard about it before from Salihin. He told me how fun it was doing programming using this software. Well, he was right. It was indeed fun! Basicly we need to create a simple program much similar but better than the given program. So Sherman came out with this idea of creating it like a guessing game. Yeah, it was such a good idea. Oh yeah, thanks to Mervin for helping us out! Thanks dude!
First i was so clueless about the program, but somehow i know a little bit about it. So since it was a guessing game, we took pictures from our webcam and then i edited our pictures and make it blur, so that the class could guess who's who. We managed to finish it in the middle of break 2. Yay!! While i was editing the pictures, Sherman saw pictures of Jaejoong and he knows im into korean music and he said, that jaejoong looks so gay. Argh!! Curse you Sherman!! Hahaha. But he liked Jaejoong's hair and he said he want to make his hair like Jaejoong. Good!
Khai and I had just started a war!!! It's called WW4, Revenge Vs Revenge. Hahaha. Khai loves to 'sakat' me and i would do the same thing to him. The game is officially on!! Overall, thursdays was fun and we're a bit nuts as well in class. Oh ya, Sherman had introduced me a new game website called addictinggames. Yeah, it was addicting. Even Siti was addicted to it. KITTEN CANON!! Siti, you sure got a really cute laughing gas inside you. Hahaha. I love your laugh, girl!
Seriously i have to say, that the class is starting to show our inner madness.
Ok, on Friday. I arrived early to school since bro send me by car. Erm, went to Ming Jie's class since we're on the same block. I was surprised to see him with a guitar, well it wasn't his but his classmate. I borrowed it to play, his classmate was a bit stunned to see me play the guitar. Hahaha. I tried to play Glamourous Sky song by Mika Nakashima, but the chords that Ming Jie had on his laptop was so different. Well, i played some various chords. Then about 8.10am i went to class, but no one there, im the first one. Then about a few minutes later, Zakia came. Surprisingly, a lot of ppl was late that day. Hmm??? And guess what, im in the same group with Khai again. Haiz!!! We're supposed to start our battle on that day. But anyways, my teammates for that day were Khai, Siti(again), Dickson and Darryl. Darryl plays bass, cool! Khai told him about the time where Khai used to jam at my house, and Darryl looked at me in shocked. Then i told him that i sold my drumset years ago. He was like, "Why? Why?" Hehe.
So the module was about problem solving and he need to find out more about Australian Football. Erm, we watched a short video of an Australian Football match. And men in tight short was an issue that day. Honestly, it look so gay. Yeah, that was the issue of the day for the class but not the module. Hahahaha. We need to find out more about the sport. Our faci had asked about what superpowers u want to have? Well, Darryl wants X-ray vision, Khai is a venom, Dickson wants teleportation(i think), Siti wants to fly and I lurks in the dark and can read minds. And we call ourselves as Team RP! Hahaha. RP means Radical Protectors! See we are loyal to the school! Erm, maybe not. Muahaha. Erm, so during break 1, Khai n I decided to get some coffee kat Cafe Galilee. We supposed to go with Sherman, Dalina, Darryl n Dalvin, but somehow they dissappeared. Zack was with us, but he went with his other friend. So left me and Khai. The queue was indeed long, damn long. While queuing, Khai and I talk about the team presentation and indeed it was gonna be funny.
Then break 2, Khai was nuts. Wheel around the class on the chair like an idiot. Hahahaha. I can't help it by sitting like 'L', Tisk Tisk, in loving memory of 'L'. He really died in the anime!!! Then after the class had their lunch, i dunno who started to dare Ahmad to breakdance with 'kain batik'. And he did, hahaha. It was so funny! Since there were not enough space to breakdance in class, all of us, yup the whole damn class went outside of the class and Ahmad did his thing. I took out my handphone to record it. We were making so much noise outside class, but it was wicked, we're nuts on that day. Even other ppl from other class came out to see 'the show'. But they were too late. Hahaha. It's for W35B only. Sorry. Hahaha. Next time you guys have to pay. Hahaha.
Presentation time! Sherman's team went first, we asked quite a number of question to his group. 2nd, my group. It went quite well, Darryl was superb about the star players part, on why we brought up about star players. Khai was erm, i dunno what he was talking about, he was nervous. Hahahaha. I managed to answer the questions quite ok. So when it come to the other team's presentation, for eg. Jun Rong's team, Sherman kept on asking questions. Lots n lots of question. Hahaha. Jun Rong was quite fed-up. Hahahaha. He said, let's shoot Sherman on Monday. Hahahahaha. Yeah, all of us agreed. We're gonna shoot sherman with tonnes of question on Monday. Watch out Sherman!! Muahaha.
So that was my friday n thursday in school. My class is getting crazy each day, since we know each other already. Ok there was one shocking news that got me in tears on Friday. 4 Super Junior members was involved in a car accident. They were Shindong, Eunhyuk,LeeTeuk and Kyuhyun. All except Kyuhyun suffered quite minor injuries. But Kyuhyun suffered the most and i was pretty badly.
"Kyuhyun was sitting behind the driver's seat, therefore he was the most injured out of all the members. He had a broken foot, fractured hip, broken ribs, and facial scratches/bruises. The fractured hip is bleeding and his broken ribs have come down on his lungs. He has already gone through tracheal resectional surgery to improve his breathing. They made a 1-2cm incision in his chest and inserted a tube so he can breathe better. He was slipping in an out of consciousness, and couldn't really speak because of the shock. Doctors are speculating that he might have to be in the hospital for a few months."
"Shindong was the least injured out of the members, and managed to leave the accident with just cuts and bruises on his face and body. He was released from the hospital as a patient.
Leeteuk had glass shards in his back, and had a successful surgery to remove them all. He also had a scratch near his eye and various cuts and bruises.Eunhyuk was reported to have glass shards in his back, and was said to have stitches."
The accident happened on the 19th of April. I was in tears while reading about what happened to Kyuhyun. Eventhough, it's not Donghae but he is my fave too. My 2nd fave. My gosh, im praying for the 4 guys recovery. ASAP!! GET WELL SOON. KYUHYUN OPPA! HWAITING!
Hayley(a dbsk, big bang n suju fan from UK) was shocked as soon she saw my personal msg.
Today, another news worries me, Micky YooChun was in a Japan hospital cuz of asthma. Haiz, get well soon!!! Don't overwork until your health got affected guys. This goes out to other DBSK oppa!!! We as the fans are worried about your health.
I supposed to meet Erika and my neighbour, Kelvin today. Hahaha, but the rain spoils everything. Maybe next time, ya. I dunno Kelvin was my neighbour until Erika told me that he lived at the same block as me, but on level 3. Hahaha. I've downloaded all the episode of DBSK Vacation today and Star King. I need to watch it again esp Star King, InHwan and Junsu!! So freaking adorable. I was quite pissed with the gymnastic girls. My gosh they were like 8-12 years old, that they were flirting with Jaejoong. They dance so sexily. My gosh!!!! Hey kids, keep your paws off, Jaejoong. He looked uncomfortable!
So that's about it, really, i hope im not in the same group with Sherman on Monday, if not i'll die while answering tonnes of question. Oh well, let sherman ans it all since it was meant for Sherman.
Kayla Anika
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
First Proper Lunch Of The Week
i woke up today feeling so sick and i got a headache. A real bad headache, it really aches so bad. Argh! I wore my jacket to school today, yeah i was damn sick in the morning. I really don't function well in the morning. Yeah, that's me. I went to school with Jing Wen, Jeannie and Hui Yu. I think in the future, I rather go by myself or asked my bro to send me to school.
So today lesson was pretty easy and it was fun. It's about communications. Hahaha, it is very essential for my course. I am group with my friend J, for the 3rd time in a row. Ever since from day 1, she's in the same group with me. Hahaha. But today my group was okay, my team members are Yuwanna, J, Dickson and Jason. Jason was so damn funny today. Hahaha. He like to pretend to sulk. That sulky face! Hahaha. While me, Yuwanna and Jason are working on our product for the day, he calls Yuwanna 'adik'. Then Yuwanna asked how old is he, he's 20. Then i say, so i can call you 'abang' then. He said yes. From that moment onwards, i start to call him abang. When i call him by his name, Jason he didn't answer, but when i call 'abang' he will answer. Hahaha, i got an 'abang' in class. He's my abang. Abang means big brother in malay by the way.
Eventhough i supposed to do the worksheet today, but somehow J did it, so i leave it to J then. Dickson is in charge of doing the ppt while me, Yuwanna and 'abang' Jason do the product. We basically finish everything by 11.30am, just the right time to go for our break. I went for lunch with Jannah, J and Dalinah. I ate crispy chicken noodles. Oklah, quite nice. When i arrived back in class, 'abang' was drooling on my lappy. He was sleeping, ish ish! So i scream at 'abang', 'ABANG YOU DROOL ON MY LAPTOP!" "No lah, where got?" Hahahaha.
So throughout the 2 1/2 hours break, my 'abang' is sleeping, Dickson and J is touching up the ppt, Yuwanna went for lunch, and I decided to update my 'long time never update' McFly website and download all the videos that i've missed. Watching Danny Jones half naked and lip-syncing to Il Divo song. Hahaha, funny!!! Other than that, I watched Death Note epi 26 again and watch DBSK drama in my comp. I think I'm the only rocker-chic who likes Korean stuff and music. Oh, my 'abang' like J-pop. Hehe.
My team present last and before that, we plan to do a skit at the front, well only 'abang' Jason, Yuwanna and J. Dickson and I do the explaination. The skit was damn funny, Yuwanna accidentally called Jason, 'abang' in front of the whole class and i can't stop laughing at the back with Dickson. Hahahahaha. So embarassing, but funny. I think I'm getting use to this presentation thingy, since I know almost all my class mates except for some few chinese boys. Sherman did his 'hey hey you you" song again since yesterday. Hahaha. And Jun Rong can't stop singing, 'it's ok, it's alright" song which was actually a verse from Nelly Furtado Promiscuous song. Haiz. Hahahaha. The whole had fun today, we definitely had fun.
Hmm, so tomorrow is Maths and what i heard from Jing Wen, we need to do programming. Wah, i hope it is easy. Hehehe. I wonder who is in my team tomorrow? Hope not Khai again, cuz i'll die laughing. Haiz, 5 years and another 6 more months added. But it's gd though to have that funnyman around. Hahaha. Oh ya Khai, thanks for the skins. Hehehe.
I wonder how my clique is doing on their first day of school, I've already heard it from Erika, Fana and Safiah. Hmm, Syafiqah? I don't know. Kyra is the only one left cuz she's starting school next week, but i heard that she's having a hell of good time during orientation. They get to go to Sentosa!! Wah!!!!
I need to gather everyone's msn, probably by the end of the week. I only got 7 on my list, im left with 28 ppl. Hahaha. Hmm, what i will do next? Hopefully i can get the full episode of Star King feat DBSK with subs downloaded using my VEOH player. Oh ya, i've just remembered, i need to send Emma an e-card, it's a bdae today. Happy birthday Emma!! Happy belated bdae to Lee Junki, and advanced birthday to my real 'abang'. His bdae is tmr.
My thoughts are out to those who got killed in Virginia Tech killings. I was worried for a while when i immediately heard the word 'Virginia'. Cuz my mind remembered Micky's brother, Ricky. I thought Ricky is still in Virginia but Erika told me that he's currently in Korea with SM Entertaintment. Phew, but the tragedy is in Blackburgh, Micky YooChun and Ricky YooHwan used to live Fairfax, Virginia. Oh, note to Jaejoong oppa, "you better buy dinner for little sungwoong!" Hahaha.
Ok, im done here for now.
Kayla Anika
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
It Has Begun!

LOOK! CUTE AYE??!!! Here's one more very very cute! :
The 2nd pic totally won me over. CUTENESS!!!AAAAAAAHHH!!! They both look alike!! Seriously, if i say they are father n son, ppl would believe. Damn cute!! I always repeat the part where they kiss. Sweet aye! Hahaha. OMG! Pardon me. Haha.
Just finish talking on msn with Zakia. She's a rocker! Cool. A footie fan! Cool! But she supports Chelsea, argh damn! But nevermind, clash clash!! Hahaha. I told her to find a Liverpool fan in clash, cuz we found a chelsea fan(her), a gunners fan(me), red devils fan( dalvin n khan). Then we can have a real clash of footie. Can't wait for Friday lesson though, i heard from Jing Wen it is about football. Wah, gonna real clash! Hahahaha. I hope tmr's lesson which is about communication will be as good as today.
Ok basicly that's it, im gonna watch star king again before i go to bed. Hehe. Oh ya, i've changed the song to Passion by Se7en. It's an old song, but i like it. The song is stuck in my head right now. Haha.
Kayla Anika
Sunday, 15 April 2007
Time Flies So Fast
Haiz, i can't believe that i'm starting school tomorrow. So that means, no more staying up late at night and my bedtime will be no more 3am. Hahaha. Haiz. Oh well, im so looking forward for the year ahead. As i already promised to myself, i'm going to make this year the best year ever, and i don't want to ever break down like what i experienced last year. I had enough of sufferings and tortures. I need to enjoy my life for now.
Well, today, im pretty bored, obviously. I slept at 4am yesterday and i woke up at 7.30am because i need to prepare breakfast for dad. Then sleep again at 9am woke up at 10.30am. Haiz. Then boredom strikes immediately. But i managed to cook lunch, alah, just fried rice. Haha. I'm not a great cook but when it comes to Pasta, im an expert. Hehehe. Then bro wanted to go to Courts CP, he told me that there's a cheap thumbdrive selling there. So we went by car and yup, indeed, a 1GB thumbdrive cost $19.90!! Wow!! CHEAP!! Since bro got a $25 voucher card, i use it. Yay! I got my own thumbdrive, yippee!!! Hehehe.Then we went back home, and here i am updating my blog.
I wanna say a huge thank you to my best buddy, Kyra, for doing such an awesome job of making a Xiah Junsu wallpaper!!! I love it!!!!!!! I tried to do one yesterday, but i ran out of ideas. Haiz. But i did managed to do one DBSK wallpaper:
It's just a simple one, cuz i basicly ran out of ideas. I still need to do a Jaejoong wallpaper but i need more resources. Hahaha. Speaking of Jaejoong, i saw a pic of him kissing a snake yesterday. Eeek! I wouldn't dare, besides i hate reptiles!! I remembered the time when i went to the zoo with the girls, i am so scared entering the reptiles section. I even get mistaken of my own shadow for a lizard. Hahahahaha!!
ok that's all for now,
Kayla Anika
Saturday, 14 April 2007
Full Of Happiness Part 2.
officially yesterday is my 'mad' day. hahaha. Why? Ever since i've downloaded the H.O.T song, that song has been stuck in my head. I was jumping up n down singing to it. Hahaha. Eventhough, i was sick but my mood was hyper. Hahaha.
It's suppose to be a bad day yesterday since it was Friday the 13th. But it was a good day for me and also to my best buddy, Erika. It was yesterday night she told me that she got into Higher Nitec Logistic Management course. Well, she didn't get in twice after she appeal but i guess 3 times is a charmed. Hahahaha. So CONGRATS to her!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was screaming for her yesterday, the minute she told me about it. I dunno why, but yeah, i was screaming of happiness. I guess yesterday i was indeed in FULL OF HAPPINESS. Hehehehe!!
I didn't get to sleep yesterday, because i was so hyper, so i watched all the DBSK Mini Dramas all alone in my room like a mad woman laughing all alone. Hahahahaha.
Then today, i know that my grandma is coming back from Umrah, but im so lazy to go. But mum drag me out of my bed screaming and nagging. Grrrr. I hate when she nag very early in the morning. My mood was spoilt for a moment there. I got dressed casually with no make-up on (ok that's a lie, with less make-up on) and got into my aunt from JB car. Damn my morning was spoilt today. I had my breakfast at Bedok, i didn't ate much, but i must have hot tea!!! I drank my hot tea and ate Soto. That's it. The hot tea is very essential for me.
Arrived at airport around 11am, and saw that my grandma's flight had landed. So we waited n waited, then about 11.30am, my grandma was out. My mood was quite okay after seeing my grandma had landed here safely.
ok that's about it for now,
Kayla Anika
Friday, 13 April 2007
Full Of Happiness
first of all, im still sick. yeah. but i feel so much better than yesterday. Ok, i've changed the song to H.O.T-Full Of Happiness. Yeah, it's an old song from and now split up korean boyband, H.O.T I've heard of this band before but i never took notice of it. Then i heard them again from DBSK, how this band inspires them a lot. And this song, Max sang it in one of their mini-dramas called Unforgettable Love. So i decided to put it here, it's so upbeat and nice. Hahaha.
Erm, not so much to update right now. I just want to let you know about this song that's all. Hahaha. Oh yeah, Happy Friday The 13th!! Muahahaha!!
Kayla Anika
Thursday, 12 April 2007
Darn Sick N Drunk For Orientation
Yesterday i had my first day of orientation in my new school, RP.
So here's goes:
I woke up at 6.35am and went straight to shower. I got dress and do my hair.
Ate breakfast at 7.00pm and went out of the house at 7.20am. I supposed to meet Jing Wen and Illah at Civic Ctr along with Jeannie and Hui Yu. I was quite late, but Jeannie and Hui Yu was even late. Jeannie and Hui Yu wanted to eat McDonalds. Then at 8.10am exactly, we went off to school. We arrived fashionable late. Hahaha. But hey, there were a lot of freshman late as well.
I got up to the correct block, W3 and went to look for my class. And you knw what, i entered the wrong class for 2 times. Argh! Embarassing, but hey, im not alone. Ok finally i entered the right class, W35B. I took up my seat where the facilitators had assifgned the class to. And mingle with a girl beside me. Her name is Joleyn. Then about 10 mins later, i was so shocked to see someone arriving in the class. It was KHAIRUDDIN! Damn! He's in the same class as me. My gosh! Grrr.
I was assigned to a Team, which is Team 1. Then i mingled with my team, namely, Andy, Firdaus, Jannah and Joleyn. They were friendly, duh! Obviously. Then as the Facy, talk n talk, about the procedure of what we basically gonna learn and what to do in class. We were given an assignment to do. Which is my worst nightmare, 'PRESENTATION'. Each team have to come out with a presentation regarding the problem that we're given. At 11.30am, Jannah, Joleyn and I went for lunch. I ate chicken cutlet rice which cost about $2.50. Cheap! Then after that get back to class to work on the presentation.
So my team is the first one to start working, I think. Hahaha. We had really fun while working on our project. I like Jannah's poking joke and Andy weird ideas. Hahaha. Damn funny. Then as we knew it, we're already done! Finish. Then at 2pm, the Facy came, and then we're the first one to present. Aiyaiyai!! Dead nervous. It all went well, phew! Khai's team was the noisiest, his team threw us questions and we managed to answer. Next, we had the privillage to choose a team to present next, since we started it first. We choose Khai's team, but we gave them a chance since they're not ready, so we choose team 5. After team 5, we choose Khai's team which is Team 4. His group so 'kecoh'. Hahaha. I like it.
After all the presentation, the Facy had asked the class to choose the best group, and surprisingly, my group won! Yay! Hahaha. Nice Work Team. But sadly, we're going to change team everyday. Oh well, that is the time i will get to know my other classmates. Cool!
School ends at 3.30pm, i called Kyra to ask her whether is she going out to AMK shopping ctr or not. But she's at CP, so i asked her to wait for me at CP. Met her at CP Mac, and we walked n walked. Then I decided to bring her to Comics Connection, she's nuts over lots of Fahrenheit stuff and I'm nuts over DBSK stuff. Kyra found a DBSK n Fahrenheit's mug and I found DBSK n Fahrenheit jigsaw puzzle. We're nuts!! What make me nuttier is that I saw DBSK 'O' 2nd asia tour book. My gosh!!!!! I almost died in there. Kyra end up buying a couple of Jiro's stuff, while I bought a new keychain(their new look, with micky's short hair) and their 2007 calendar card.
I went home feeling tired and exhausted. Damn! After i get my shower, i felt so sick. I sneezed, my head is so heavy, my body is so weak. I feel like im drunk on 'bitter cola'. Haiz. So today, i didn't go to the orientation and also tmr. At least i get to know wher my class is, cuz today's orientation is basically about fun n games. Pah! Prison Break?!! WTH?
Did i told you that i've watched the last episode of Goong S? I did, yeah at last the marathon is over. This is the first time im crying over, Moon Sung Gung, he had lost everything. He lost Sae-Ryung(which he declined it at first), Yang Soon-yi (won by Kang Hoo), the title of Hwang Tae-ja, and he's confused about the truth of his biological father. About how Soon-yi left Kang Hoo just like that, saddened me to, i was in tears. Soon-yi decided to leave Kang Hoo to pursue her dreams. So after 3 years, Kang Hoo became the Hwang Tae-ja, and he cope it really well. Then he met Yang Soon-yi again! Yay! Soon-yi worked as a secretary for King Julius(erm? from which country? im not sure) and the King visited Pye-ha and Kang Hoo was there!
King Julius visited the Teddy Bear Museum at Jeju Island, and both Kang Hoo and Soon-yi talked and spent some time together. Over there, they met, Sae Ryung. Sae Ryung had become a teacher and her students were so cute! Erm? What about Moon Sung Gung? Well, he became a day-time Prince and night-time composer. Wow! Great!!! The ending was obviously a happy ending of course. Soon-yi became Kang Hoo's personal secretary. Yay! They're together.
After seeing episode 17-20, i've already fallen for Moon Sung Gung. Eventhough, he has quite a familiar behavious as my first prince, Lee Shin, but he's not as arrogant as Lee Shin. Hahaha.
Now im waiting for the released of The Devil episode 3 with subs. Haiz. I've yet to watch Witch Yoo Hee though, oh well, maybe later, as soon i got my Veoh player installed again in my lappy.
Oh yeah, i've changed the song to J's Jeonhaji MosharMar. It's a song which i really like, which brought me to tears in Goong S. Hehehe.
So Monday, I'm going to start school. Haiz, im gonna start school again, i'll miss my holidays. But hey, im going to have my holiday on 1st June. Hahahaha. Oh yeah, before i forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MING JIE!
Kayla Anika
Monday, 9 April 2007
The Devil
I've just finished watching the first episode of The Devil starring the very handsome prince from Goong, Joo Ji Hoon. I've search in youtube then to dailymotion, but i've finally decided to download it from Veoh. Since veoh didn't allow the users to watch videos of more than 1hr duration, so i downloaded it. It took about 12mins to download the first episode. Wow, that was fast.
Hmm, i must say, the first epi was more like CSI, solving crimes. Joo Ji Hoon or Oh Seung Ha(the character that he plays) was a lawyer and he's helping to help a person Kim Soon Ki with his appeal. I'm not really sure about what is the appeal all about but i presume it's something to do with murder. So there's a new murder on the scene, and this time Seung Ha's sunbae lawyer was killed. Since Seung Ha was the last person to contact Lawyer Kwon, he is going to be questioned. The epi end like that, im currently downloading the second epi, which im going to watch tmr. Oh ya, detective Kang Oh Soo, who was in charge of Lawyer Kwon's murder case was funny, especially the part where he meets a supernatural girl, Seo Hae In, who can tell future(think phoebe of charmed). Detective Kang thought that Hae In is mute, he even write the words he is trying to say to her on paper. Then when Hae In talks, he was surprised, his reactions was funny.
Hmm, what else? Ji Hoon still walks like Shin in Goong. Haiz. I hate that arrogant walk. Hahaha. But his hairstyle in The Devil is quite sleek from Goong. Which do i prefer? Hmm?? Dunno. Hahaha.
Next, i'll find Witch Yoo Hee episode next, which stars the other prince of Goong, Kim Jung Hoon and also Jeon Hye Bin (the star who stalks Erika's korean male stars) Hahaha. Then i can compare which is better? Or maybe not.
While waiting for the episode to download, i watched one of Tohoshinki's interview in Japan. And Junsu did his oh so famous, Oyagi gag again. It was his best, eventhough he used this gag before, but still the best. It's the "Kamo, Kamon" gag. Hahahaha. 'Kamo' means duck in Japanese. So the gag was saying, "Duck, Come On!" Hahaha. You can say to someone who don't know japanese. Hahahahaha! Nice one Junsu! Speaking of Junsu, i nearly lost the Junsu handphone strap that i bought at Comics Connection, it was missing from my Mp3 player. It must have drop out. But luckily i've found it. Phew! Mian Ne, Junsu-shi! Mian Ne yo.
Well, it's almost my bedtime, i gotta go n sleep.
Kayla Anika
Saturday, 7 April 2007
Last Minute
im not going for camp tmr....hahaha. last minute cancellation for me. furthermore it's the bloody same thing as the orientation programme. oh well.
I thought of going to the class gathering bbq but it was raining so heavily. i told kyra that i will be coming at night, but last minute, mum didn't allow. GRRR! Erika too, her mum didn't allow. Both our mums was in a mood today. I wonder why? What i did wrong????Hmmm???
About goong s, finally, i've finished watching it, all episodes except for 20 though. Now im beginning to watch another drama called Nodame Cantelbelle(something like that lah, cant remember the exact spelling). It is a japanese drama and i got to know it from the lovely guys of DBSK. They like this drama a lot. Hmm. Let's see. Apart from that, Erika had introduced to me 2 new dramas called Witch Yoo Hee and The Devil, starring Kim Jung Hoon in Witch Yoo Hee and my shin-kun, Joo Ji Hoon in The Devil.
School is starting soon, im gonna have a new lifestyle. Damn nervous, i wonder how am i gonna cope on the first day of school. Hmm???
Erm, nothing much happen lately, so i'll end here.
Kayla Anika
Friday, 6 April 2007
What A Day! MANSE!
what an outing for today with the girls. i had fun! hehehe.
mum woke me up at the exact time as my daily alarm clock rings, which is 9.15am. she had asked me to come along with her to sheng siong to change my laptop case cover, cuz the one that we bought on wednesday didn't fit in. so i got up, and get dress. i know im going to be late to meet the girls, so i text Erika saying that i might be late.
So mum and i went out together with dad. Dad goes took the train to work and then mum and i proceed to sheng siong by bus. After i got the thing change, we went back home. It turns out that i still had time to meet the girls on time. I met Erika at the usual place then we head to meet Kyra, Fiqah n Safiah at admiralty.
We had laughed while we're in the train, we basically talk about fun stuff. Fiqah was fed-up with 'The Dancefloor' group. Chill girl, chill! Hahaha. We alight at Dhoby Ghaut and then walk to Plaza Singapura. Ate Long John Silvers and then we walk to Fort Canning Park. I thought it was far from Dhoby Ghaut but it turns out that it was quite near. It is just behind Park Mall.
So yeah, we walked n explore the park. Took tonnes of fun n stupid pictures. Hahaha. Then we walked n walked, and exited at Clarke Quay. There's a new shopping centre there, but it wasn't fully opened yet. The girls were very thirsty so we search for Cheers according to the directory, but heck! it wasn't opened. Not even built in yet, blargh! So we end up going to Kopitiam and bought drinks there. Erika and I shared Ice Jelly with Cocktail but we've made a new recipe! Pepsi Ice Jelly with Cocktail. Hahahaha. And it taste good!!! REALLY!
Then we walked again after and this time we decided to go Esplanade, yeah, we walked all the way from Clarke Quay to Esplanade. Hmm. It wasn't that far. We went up to the roof terrace at Esplanade and took more pictures there. Finally we decided to head home, but since we're at City Hall. I must stop by HMV first. That's a must everytime i went to City Hall. I decided to look out for Tohoshinki's Five In The Black album, but nope, wasn't there. Haiz. When it is gonna be released here!!! You know what, Step By Step cd single was put under new released. Oh heck! That single was released way back last year. The time where Jaejoong's hair is still blonde. Haiz. Then i check out McFly stuff also, hey i couldn't possibly leave out them. There are 2 cds there, Wonderland (still $61) and Room On The 3rd Floor. Haiz, no MITO(sold out i think) and no Wonderland DVD. Oh yeah, i found Super Junior K.R.Y album! Manse!(hurrah!) Kyuhun is at the middle of the cover, looking awesomely great. But where's Donghae??!!! He's not in SUJU Trot nor SUJU K.R.Y. Where are you Donghae!!??
Next, we took the rebound train from Marina to Admiralty. The girls wanted to check out the bazaar that is happening near the Mrt station but i went home instead.
Back home, i watched Death Note epi 25. Light has already gained his memory back and so does Misa. But then after Rem killed Watari, L dies. But i think, L faked his death. Can't wait to see epi 26. Probably the last episode, i think.
I've also watched Goong S 15-17. I cried again while watching epi 17. Haiz. The most romantic episode ever! Kang Hoo/Lee Hoo is together with Yang Soon-yi. Yay! And Sae Ryung, muahaha. Kang Hoo doesn't love you!!! PADAN MUKA! Hehe. Then i watched DBSK Heroine 6 again, when they played catch the mouse game. While watching, Erika called saying that she had trouble with her computer. Her Local Lan Connection is gone, but somehow the thing reappears. Poor her, she had to reboot her computer because of that stupid MSN virus thingy.
So those who received weird messages like, "HOLY SHIT, CHECK THIS THING OUT" (Something like that) OR A PHOTO ALBUM ZIP FILE" PLEASE DO NOT ACCEPT THESE THINGS. I once accepted it before at my PC, i panicked. But thank god i have an anti-virus, so i scan my computer thoroughly. It turns out to be my worst computer enemy, the TROJAN virus. ARGH!!!! But luckily, it can be removed. Phew.
Ok, plans for tmr? It's easter holiday. So my family decided to go shopping in Johor. Yay! Oh shit, look at the time, it's almost to 2am, i must wake up at 5am.
that's about it for today.
Kayla Anika
Wednesday, 4 April 2007
Marathon Still Going
My Goong S marathon is still going left with 2 more episodes...well in fact 3...which are episode 17-20. Erika is anticipating for episode 20. I can't believe that i've cried for 3 episodes in a row. Hmm. Episode 8-10. Gosh. Episode 8 is shocking, Lee Hoo the Gong-ja mama (Se7en) got electricuted. SHOCKING! I cried at the part as soon as he gain concious, he held yang soon-yi hands and asked her to stay with him a while longer. Awwww!! Isn't that sweet. I cried during that part. Sorry i can't help it. And then there's another episode, 10 or 9 can't remember which exactly, where he parted ways with his friends. That part i cried too. OK OK, I am a crybaby. Hehehe.
Well that's about Goong S, other news. I'm going out with the girls tmr. I've already plan on what to wear. Initially i thought of wearing a dress that i've bought with mum the other time. But nah, too formal. So i decided to have a theme for tmr. Black and Green. Hahaha. I still haven't buy safiah her present. Hmm. I will not give her tmr but after her bdae perhaps.
I've just read Kyra's blog and she said that she saw DBSK 'Rising Sun' single album. Haiz. I thought the album. If it's the album, i wanna buy,but singles, nah no thanks. I already have the song, plus the remixes too. Kyra said that she saw my DBSK wallpaper and she was tempted to make a few as well. Hahaha. Nice. I like the first one, cuz the picture was taken from their latest japanese album, Five In The Black. The rest are old pictures. If you want to see it, go to Kyra's blog.
I will not blog for 3 days again, cuz im going for my freshman camp this Sunday. Hopefully Ming Jie will get well and go to the camp with me. Ming Jie please do come!!! Hehehe. This is my first camp since sec 3. Wah! Cool aye! Hehehe. Hope to meet new friends there. LOL!
that's about it,
Kayla Anika
Monday, 2 April 2007
Goong S Marathon
yup, as what the title says, im on a Goong S marathon right now...
i still havent finished watching epi 8,9,10 because my computer (not my lappy) is getting fuck up lately...haiz. but im glad that i have my lappy here. Yay!! I actually like a couple of songs by se7en. I asked Erika for it, one of them is Promise. I like the song when i was watching episode 7. I also asked Erika for the song Hikari. It's a japanese song by Se7en, and i like the beat. I hope that with my Goong S marathon going on, i will never dream of Se7en again. One dream is enough. Even if i do dream of him, i hope Jaejoong or Junsu will be in there. Hahaha!, i am home alone after 12 noon, cuz mum and dad had gone to the airport to send my grandma to Umrah. I want to follow but mum says that i have to wait for Nadia to come home, or else she'll be home alone. Grrr. Oh heck. Nevermind. I've made 2 DBSK wallpapers to prevent boredom. Here they are:
The next thing i wanna say is to Erika, Girl i know you are sad about your application of Higher Nitec results. But hey, cheer up, im glad that you've plan on what to do next. I strongly reconmmend you the traineeship programme. You can work as you study. But if that didn't help, for me, try to find work first n then, take up a diploma course at MDIS as you planned. Cheer up k?!!
Then, Kyra called asking me whether i can go to Fort Canning Park this thursday. Well actually she, safiah (n.s.c nenek super canggih) and fiqah had already planned to go out to celebrate safiah's 18th. My gosh, i didn't know what to get her for her bdae. Haiz. Next thing, what to wear???!!!!! Argh!!! Stress.Hehehe!
I am so bloody fed-up with Nadia today,why? Grrr. She was doing her maths homework and then she got it all wrong. And when i tried to teach her the correct method, she stumped her feet and grumbled. Then since her multiplication is weak, i asked her to memorize it. She talked back and refused not to follow my orders. Argh!!!!
But thankfully after mum came back from the airport, she got a well deserved scolding from Mum. I was only trying to help her but she refused, oh heck. Let her be!
Mum has already noticed my craze for Korean stuff. She said to dad, "skrg minat jantan korea, dh lah sepet," i was laughing all the way. Mum actually told dad that now im into korean lads not english lads anymore and she also said that i like guys with smalls eyes. Hahaha. Hey, small eyes are actually cute you know! Hahahaha.
that's about it now,
Kayla Anika
I Miss My Lappy.
its only been 3 days since i left home, i've already miss my beloved Lappy.hehehe.
yes, i've just came back from johor. it's been a foodfest while i was in johor. yes it was. There's lots of food to eat, but im watching my weight, hmm maybe not. Hahaha.
The food was bloody nice and good, i never miss the chance of not to eat a lot. But yeah, honestly, i think i've gained about 2kg for the past 3 days. Hahaha. I need to shed these excessive weights of me. Who cares for a excercise with me??? Hmmm?? Despite that, there's one thing that i forgot, I forgot to bring my camera!! Argh!!! I really really forgot about it. Haiz. Oh nevermind.
Oh ya and 1 thing that i've just remembered that, i need to give Fana my Microsoft Office cd to her asap. She need to install it in her laptop.
Hmm. What else, despite its already pass 12 midnight, I wanna wish all of you guys, Happy April Fools Day! Happy Bdae to Randy Orton and the twins who played Fred and George in Harry Potter movies.
That's about it,
Kayla Anika