Saturday, 30 June 2007
Spice Girls Is Back.
i am so so so so so so so glad....that....SPICE GIRLS IS BACK!!!
yes!! they are going to have a world tour at the end of the year.....yippee...
why am i so excited? because...spice girls is my first ever favourite girl group....
and the very first cd that i bought is Spice Girls' first album which is SPICE. and yeah, i still have the album. i am a big spice girls fan, back then, and now that they're back, IM BACK THEIR FAN AGAIN!!
so today i decided to watch most of my favourite videos from spice girls.
oh man, memories flash back through my mind. i still remember when i was primary 3, me and my 4 other friends form a group together and we love to dance to Spice Girls song. I was called sporty spice back then, cuz i used to be a tomboy. Hehe. oh! my very first performance in sch was also in primary 3. Yup, the 5 of us danced to Who Do You Think You Are, and i could still remember the steps now. Hahahaha. Yeah, most of my friends called me sporty spice. Hehehe. Gosh, i gotta find my friendship diary back. oh you know, during primary school days, girls tend to have a friendship diary and they will ask around their friends to write their bio data and such. I still do keep those stuff, you know, as memories. I need to find it back, and laugh at all those stupid stuff i used to write.Haha.
Hmm...i wonder where are they know, i mean my friends that i used to perform with during primary 3. Haiz. Oh well, bt there's one friend, that Im stuck with up till now, haha. is Hassimah. Yeah, from Primary 3 then to Secondary sch...same poly...and now we end up in the same CCA or IG. Hahahahaha. well simah is my sunbae(senior) in sch bt when it comes to age, Im her unnie. Haha.
ok what else? i thought of watching transformers in cinema today, bt laundry is pilling up. i need to clear it first before mum gets naggy. perhaps, maybe some other day. im stuck between lots of movies actually. there's a couple of movies that i want to watch. Harry Potter, Transformers etc etc.
oh well, i need to buy a new shoes, cuz my white sandals is so worn off. Haiz.
im back into my gaming self lately. Ive got hold of Age Of Empire 2 with Expansion. Yeah, and I kept playing it. Hehehe. Erika, I need your Empire Earth. Bt i rembered you once said that it cant be install anymore right? Damn.Nvm. Kayla Anika's gaming habit is back now. Saiful, even girls play these type of games you know that?! Haha. It's fun you know, you should try it. Haha
Oh before I end, DAD! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! He bought me a new phone, 3G Sony Ericsson K800i Cyber-shot phone. Allure Brown in colour! I love it! Bt down part is that I get to use the phone from next wednesday onwards cuz dad wanted to use it first before he could give it officially to me. Oh well, i dont mind, that phone gonna be mine anyways. Hehe. THANKS APPA! SARANG HAE!! MUACKS!
Gosh, i kinda sound like a spoilt daddy's girl am I? But dont get me wrong okay, im not a spoilt brat. I dont get pampered with luxury stuff. I dont ask my dad for money that much. This phone comes without me asking it. I only get the stuff that I want once in like what? 2-3 years? So im not a fucking spoilt brat daddy's girl. Ok I kinda admit that I am a daddy's girl, cuz im close with my dad. Bt I ain't a spoilt brat.
that's about it for now, im off to watch spicegirls the movie. Hehe.
Kayla Anika
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
I Miss You Adik!
i couldnt get up from bed today. i woke up then stood up, but i collapse on the floor. the head so dizzy...body so weak. what happened to me?? why??
mum's harsh words still pierce right through my heart, bt im trying to stay strong.
so, i didnt come to sch today, then i msg zakia abt my absence.
i slept again n woke up at 11pm, cuz i heard my 'adik' voice. yeah. i miss my adik.
well i didnt have a real sister, but nadia is my adik. i treat her like my very own sister eventhough we are cuzins. i watch her grew up in front of my eyes.
like i said, its the first time i missing her cuz she was away during the holidays. eventhough she irritates me, bt she reflects of who i am when i was a kid. stubborn. naughty. bubbly. Hehe. i woke up and immediately went to hug her. kakak misses her adik. n even now im missing her. awww.
i hang out with fiqah yesterday at HQ. i want to buy a mouse. n she wants to survey some shoes. so we walk n walk. talking mostly about crushes. Hahaha. then of course I went to CC. There's a new wide range of dbsk keychains!!!!!!!!! damn happy. all the latest pic including the latest pic from SMART and also barks photoshoot. I bought one though, the whole band SMART pic. the one where they were holding a photoframe. Haha.
tmr is enterprise. well ok. and tmr is UT! oh heck. nvm. then tmr FFP meeting. haiz. nvm.
well. im having my first meeting with the korean IG members next week. pressure. i dont know what to say. i guess i'll be meeting the committee on friday perhaps.
ok then. i dont know what to say anymore. im still sick. haiz.
Kayla Anika
Monday, 25 June 2007
Out Comes The Weasel
first of all i want to give a shoutout to my friend zakia...
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" may all you wishes come true!! n gd luck for everything aight?!!
happy sweet 17!
well, recovering from emotional pain is tough. but thank goodness for music! Music really does heal your soul. yes it does.
it's the 2nd week since sch opens. and today, he pops out of nowhere. n yeah, i was quiet and i dont know how to face him. and he sat right in front of me. oh well. nvm. i dont care, im over it. bt soon, i gain the confidence to talk to him, nt much, maybe a little. so yeah, we're alright.
today is my first VB lesson, cuz last week, i didnt come for it. n boy! I HATE VB!!! new codings! damn. i was asking for codings from other ppl. thank goodness for weiling's friend n also to firdaus, bt daus! your codes i dont understand sia! lucky got marvin! he's kinda good in this VB stuff. haha. zack, andy is trying though. they manage to do well. me n weiling is just goons down there, being clueless. i manage to do some, bt im still dunno how to explain the codes.
what else to write. tmr's UT, im gonna mess up again. haiz. nvm. must wake up early.
i need to eat my medicine. haiz. nvm.
Kayla Anika
Friday, 22 June 2007
then the other. i am not.
Bro you started the fire, but you didnt manage to put it off.
Now the fire has grown larger, it tore all things down.
10 pills wasnt enuf in the first attempt.
what about 12 this time? still no effect.
god didnt let me die. he wants me to live and to mend the broken relationship.
thank you.
im sorry for blaming you for the things that i couldnt do, dear mother. but what im trying to tell you is that, im a good girl who listens to her mother. but sometimes, i want to make my stand. you judge me wrong. if i was rude, im deeply sorry.
my best friends. thank you for being there for me. i love you!
Thursday, 21 June 2007
im currently in sch right now, and im so freaking bored. yup, enterprise module, my course related module. and the problem is so haiz. clueless. like i always do, ask for other ppl ppt bt nope, they havent this module. argh!!! im clueless of the problem today.
oh well. lemme tell you about yesterday. after sch ends, i was so bored but i didnt want to go home first. so i hang out with khai since he doesn't want to go home too. we hang out near block E4 area. then khai started to play the game F.E.A.R omg! it was fearful indeed. if you guys ever heard of this first person shooter game, you should know how scary it is. i didn't scream but i keep it to myself bt still im in shocked everytime the ghost appears especially the little girl wearing a red dress with long black hair.
then khai decided to play GTA san andreas. phew! my the ghost from that game still haunts me. i remember the time when i first saw the trailer for that F.E.A.R. i cant sleep! oh yeah and yesterday it made me fear of mirrors and i slept in the living room instead of my room. haiz. haha. yeah. i was that scared. furthermore yesterday, while i was still in school around 7pm, i went to the toilet cuz of 'nature's call'. and i was alone in the toilet. quite eerie. urgh!
haiz. sian ah. im so bored. my clique is on their holiday. n im here stuck in sch. argh!
i hope the application of the korean ig is approved. *hoping and praying*
Kayla Anika
Monday, 18 June 2007
damn...damn...damn...stupid diarrhoea...
i was getting ready to go to school today...but stupid diarrhoea..
i think it was because of the tom yum soup yesterday at far east... n my family went to orchard yesterday....cuz dad wanted to buy some clothes..
dad takes a day off yesterday...yay! n im so glad.... im glad when my family get together....
so today...i spent my day basically by sleeping..yeah..
sorry to my team..cuz i didnt come i know you guys can do it right?
erm. what, i manage to watch the whole south park the movie...n the whole 2 hours of rising sun concert. i also went to meet joey and mary, to discuss about our IG proposal. setting up a new IG can be stressful man! haiz. oh nvm.
hmm. tmr definitely i will be in school. cuz tmr got UT. cognitive...pah! i cant crap a lot..haha.
i think thats about it for now.
oh to junsu, keep working on your Oyagi gags aye? i love it a lot!!! kimi mo suki!!!
Kayla Anika
Sunday, 17 June 2007
Say Ok
currently i dont why i kept listening to this song...say ok by vanessa anne hudgens.
probably the lyrics explained how i felt for someone....
here's the lyrics:
You are fine
You are sweet
But I'm still a bit naive with my heart
When you're close I don't breathe
I can't find the words to speak
I feel sparks
But I don't wanna be into you
If you are not looking for true love, oh oh
No I don't wanna start seeing you
If I can't be your only one
[Chorus]So tell me when it's not alright
When it's not OK
Will you try to make me feel better?
Will you say alright? (say alright)
Will you say OK? (Say OK)
Will you stick with me through whatever?
Or run away(Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be OK)
Say OK.
When you call I don't know if I should pick up the phone every time
I'm not like all my friends who keep calling up the boys,
I'm so shy
But I don't wanna be into you
If you don't treat me the right way
See I can only start seeing you
If you can make my heart feel safe (feel safe)
When it's not alright
When it's not OK
Will you try to make me feel better?
Will you say alright? (say alright)
Will you say OK? (Say OK)
Will you stick with me through whatever?
Or run away(Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be OK
Don't run away, don't run away)
Let me know if it's gonna be you
Boy, you've got some things to prove
Let me know that you'll keep me safe
I don't want you to run away so
Let me know that you'll call on time
Let me know that you'll help me shine
Will you wipe my tears away
Will you hold me close and say
When it's not alright
When it's not OK
Will you try to make me feel better
Will you say alright? (say alright)
Will you say OK? (Say OK)
Will you stick with me through whatever?
Or run away(Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be OK)
Say OK(Don't run away, don't run away)
(Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be OK, don't run away)
Will you say OK(Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be OK)
The words in bolds generally explain how i feel right now towards that someone....
Ok nvm.
I wanna say Happy Father's Day to my Appa!
I don't feel like going to school tomorrow. Oh well. Nvm.
Kayla Anika
Saturday, 16 June 2007
Welcome Fiqah!
Hi punkettes...
its quite weird huh, that ive start the blog with a pic....this is because, i just wanna welcome the newest member to our clique, Syafiqah tahir...or we call her fiqah! yup, ever since last year, we're so close. actually ive known her for a few years already, hmm...since primary 5? yeah. then we lost contact. it was last year that ive found her back, thanks to safiah! fiqah was actually safiah's madrasah friend. i didnt know that safiah knew her back then until i saw their neoprint together. so fiqah, welcome to the club girl! eh! must pay membership fees!!! haha. joking lah.
I went out with the girls yesterday. well, it was suppose to be all. but in the end 5 show up. the usual 5 showed up instead of 7. the 5 of us were, me,fiqah,erika,safiah n kyra. yup. haiz. nvm. we meet at our usual place. then we have to wait for safiah like an hour! haiz. nvm. instead we meet her at ang mo kio. kyra, when i went out with you, i promise i wont blabber abt him again. hehehehe, even if im tempted to do so. hahahahaha. so, kyra, fiqah and i waited for safiah n erika at amk. next, we went to the amk hub and walk around there. next, went to NTUC xtra. i text wee tiong whether he is working on that day. bt he is not. oh well, n ive found a dbsk biscuit! my fave flavour is there. caffe latte. so i bought micky's. actually there was only yunho n micky's biscuit pack were there. so i bought micky, since ive already have jaejoong's and junsu's.
then after that, we took the bus 169 back home. but, we visited our HQ. haha. yeah, causeway point that is. cuz safiah wanted to buy some things there. and then finally we went our separate ways to home.
haiz. school gonna start next monday. the girls will have their holiday break, while im in sch! tisk tisk!! oh nvm. must have motivation to sch. once sch starts, im gonna get super busy again. furthermore my weekends will be pack with activities not forgetting korean IG committee meetings. we still have to set a date for our weekly meetings and choose our president n such.
oh well.
hmm. what else. ive just finished downloading dbsk's performance of rising sun and suju's twins(knockout) performance at dream concert. im gonna watch it now.
Kayla Anika
Thursday, 14 June 2007
actually right now...i am pissed that my dad didnt allow me to go for a holiday with my relatives.
im quite pissed though, it's my only retreat before getting back to school again. haiz. oh nvm.
to saiful:
omg! (sorry kyra for stealing your phrase. haha) i cant believe that i've 'paiseh' in front of you 2 times already!!! so damn sian! first it was at the camp, when i sleep with my mouth wide open. second, at yishun, when we are at the wrong bus stop waiting for 969. and i flag the bus, the bus wouldn't stop. i was so so so red! its a nightmare you know that! oh well. leave that behind. i swear i'll be more careful in front of you. bt wait, didnt you just paiseh in front of me yesterday too. the one u knock at the wrong practice room door? haha. we're still i lead.
ok. move on. im so glad there's a huge respond for my korean IG. we've got an advisor, instructor and supporters!!! yay!! this gonna be working well!!! thank you for all your support.
ghamsa hamnida!!
hmm. what else?
ive injured my knee aft riding a bike and also while dancing to 'O' Jung.Ban.Hab. song. Yup. it hurts so bad now. im afraid it will get worst. cuz i had this knee problem since what? primary school?? i dun wanna end up in the hospital for that and getting a knee surgery. actually i have this huge lump on my right knee, i dunno what is that lump is? i hope its not serious. to be honest, ive never seen a doctor for my knee problem. nope. never. bt still i can run fast n win medals. impressive? haha.
other than that. im planning to go out with the girls tmr. im trying to get all of them. probably just chillin out at bottle tree park, talk n talk. gossipping. hahaha. i miss chatting to them. girls. i really do miss you guys!!
ok that's about it.
Kayla Anika
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
New Layout!
ive decided to change the layout because. iqah! you stole my previous layout. hahaha.i dont know who change it first. bt i didnt realise that we use the same layout. grrrr.....oh nvm.guess what. ive found suju's pic at dream concert. and i was shocked. to see leetuek on stage!leetuek had 170 stiches due to april 19th accident. and 2 months later, he's back on stage!!!!wow. well here the pictures that i manage to find.

clearly its leetuek. welcome back!!! notice that there's only 11 of them. hankyung is missing. well kyuhyun too. bt kyuhyun is still in the hospital. nvm. hankyung? where are you? erika told me that hankyung cant appear on certain channel, cuz he is chinese? huh? wth? nvm. and i wanna know what's up with hee chul's and ryeowook's hair? especially hee chul??? hahahaha.
speaking of kyuhyun, i cried for him again when i found pictures of him on the day of the accident. its terrible!
terrible isnt it? imagine that your faved star was involve in an accident, you will definitely cry for him. if i ever saw jaejoong, junsu...or any of the dbsk members were involve in such terrible accidents, i will definitely cry my eyes out and i would have sleepless nights.then, kyra send me a text. it says, "if i die in my sleep tonight.........i'll pause and see you and said..." when i read the beginning of the msg, my eyes started to get a lil teary. then...u know what the msg ends, "come and join me lah..." grrr...kyra you almost get me crying last night...hahahaha.
hmm..move on to other good news...joey, my fellow cassiopeian...called me today regarding the setup of korean IG. guess what, we will have an instuctor for korean lessons, dancing etc!!! great!!!! they will be going to the performing arts sch this sat, bt girls, im sorry i cant make it. you guys tell me the full details aight??!! the owner of the performing arts sch is associates with SM ent. wow!!! yippee. i might get the chance to go korea in the future. hahaha. yay!!! and can see dbsk oppa in concert. and just a while ago, joey update me that we're already have an advisor for our korean IG!!! yippeee........good job n effort to the committee. haha. self-praised. yup, im one of the committee. and thanks to kyra, my buddy, for making such a beautiful Korean IG promo graphic. THANKS BUDDY!
ok then. what else? oh yeah, im currently downloading suju's and dbsk's dream concert performance. Blue is the colour of Suju and Red is the colour of DBSK. and today, i didn't realise that i was wearing their colours. i wore a red shirt and blue pants. hahahaha.n dad just gave me a souvenir from korea. he told me that a korean guy at work gave it to him and his name is Ki-joong. lucky it was not jae joong. hahaha. if not, i'll scream out loud. well the souvenir is a handphone keychain of a mask and below it wrotes, 'korea'. thanks appa! saranghaeyo!
hmm. i think that's all for me now.toodles...cheerio
Kayla Anika
Monday, 11 June 2007
I'm A Celebrity
just one word...BLUR?!!
im seriously so freaking blur right now.....
erm...erika was upset cuz of me n kyra?
y unnie?
cuz we didnt wait for you the other day?
bt ive said it on the phone before i left, that we're going off first...
if you wanna come then meet us at boon lay...but u wanna go home first rite?
then after u go back home...then meet us at boon u dun want? u said it was going to rain.
huh? so unnie....this is just a miscommunication between us...
so none of us in the wrong...haiz. anika u learnt communications in could you miscommunicate with your own unnie huh?!! babo. oh nvm....if we do hurt your feelings unnie..mian ne?! sorry...k? no hard feelings...
ive just found a whole bunch of dbsk oppa pics from dream trying to find suju pics from that concert as well....most of them are i dun think leetuek and kyuhyun is there...nvm..must find!
its just 3 weeks away from my bdae...wohoo! cant wait to turn no big deal..its just 2 numbers....haha.
kyra! lets go hunting again...n erika..u want to come along? we're going off to the east next....hahahaha. next stop bukit panjang...then tampines!
ive changed the song south park kyle's mum is a bitch....hahahahaha. cant stop listening to this song.....i kept singing this song today....erm i mean yesterday....i sang it all the time...
bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch.........haha. see lah saiful..what you've done to me...aft u send me this song...i go crazy...hahaha. cant stop laughing...
ok now.
Kayla Anika
Saturday, 9 June 2007
to be so lazy to update this blog..
haha. ok now.. i will..
its summer. n guess what ive got my summer fling. aha.
well its my so called date. ive never got a date before. so its my first.
he is cute n charming. i found out that we have a lot in common. we both love football!!! Haha.
well, i met him during the camp. n i suppose to act as his gf in our team short film. i was so nervous back then. i was also nervous meeting him. then after a while, it was normal. met the class at sentosa with him. n the class was teasing about me n him. he is such a romantic lad. eh..i like your pillow! Hahaha. bt a bit hard ah. hahaha. jokin!
so anyways, i had a great time spending with ya!
hmm. what else should i write?
so yup, im so over my previous crush. those who know me should know esp my class, W35B.
yesterday, i went out shopping with kyra. kyra and I are on a CC (Comics Connection) hunt. yes. we would like to visit every comics connection outlet in s'pore. so far we've covered the north part. next up, the east!!! yup. yestd, we went to jurong point. bt heck, the jurong point outlet is so damn small. no posters!!!! then i called mary, she wants to meet me regarding the korean IG promo. we sat at macdonalds and discuss it for a while. then after that, kyra and i went to westmall, yup another CC hunt. n gosh! thank god there's posters.
so i bought:
1 super junior poster
1 dbsk poster
1 hero jaejoong poster
1 super junior stickers
yup. my poster collecting habit is coming back to me now. i wonder where all my past posters collection is. oh well, i better find it. anika's poster collection is expanding!!!!!!!!!!yahoo! sorry. im nuts!
oh ya, im on a witch yoo hee marathon. since the devil episode has yet to come n witch yoo hee episodes is complete. so i watch witch yoo hee first. now i understand how erika feel about john hoon a.k.a joon ha in witch yoo hee drama. at first i hate yoo hee cuz of her attitude bt then, i john's character is beginning to show. blargh! ahaha.
lastly, ive change the layout. its not that i dun like dbsk anymore. well, i will stick to this one until i find a really nice dbsk layout or jaejoong layout. i think im using xiah's layout next. or even suju layout! hahaha. n take a listen to se7en's upcoming US single that erika introduce it to me not long ago. it's called this is my year by se7en feat fabulous.
ok now, ive been online since morning. i gtg.
Kayla Anika
Monday, 4 June 2007
im back!!! yippee!! its the holidays!!! n it's summer!!!
one word, the camp is "awesome".
ok here goes:
it started on friday, i have to bring my sleeping bag n all my stuff to sch.
i was feeling a bit moody on that day, cuz i saw him n for once, i hate him for a reason. nvm.
it was science, n it was pathetic. haiz. mood down again.
then after sch, the camp started.llah was there, together with her fren that i've met b4, Kartini.
well the ice breaking, honestly was pretty lame. but it was ok. at least we know a few ppl.
the seniors is so wild man! especially adam. his personality reminds me of R.O. hahaha. he's so loud n funny. except that R.O is not funny at all. R.O is gay, adam is not.
at night, we played water bomb n pepsi cola. hahaha. my team consists of sandra, illah, jelly n saiful. we're pathetic at first, but we came back just a point behind from the leaders. thanks to saiful. haha. we played water bomb, poor illah was drench. i was wet too, it ruined my hair!!
after we wash up. played uno heartattack with the guys and mya. hahaha.
we have to sleep at the forum 2nd storey, parquet floor. bt it was ok. after we had enough of playing heartattack. we talked n talked n talked till 3am. yes. hmm how many ppl were there. let me think. there were, adam, saiful, huz,lewis, johnne. thats they guys. girls? me, illah,kartini, siti, mya, faiz. tats all i could remember. we were so noisy but it was fun. they talked about ghost,sex, porn. gosh, my mind is corrupted. hahaha.
2nd day:
woke up at 7am. still feeling a bit daze. ate breakfast. then all of us went to E2 lecture theatre n watch mysterious skin. a gay movie! my gosh. pretty disgusting. i fall asleep most of the time. cuz it's purely disgusting! after that, lunch. we played pepsi cola again. i was among the last one. huz kept on attacking me, n adam, he loves to slide. they think that i learnt silat. but no. hahaha. last, it was down, to me, huz n saiful. they allie n attack me. tats isnt fair. hahaha. then johnne n adam, these 2 crazy dudes. cant stop singing dejavu song n el-nin yo! hahaha. damn funny!!!
after that, the 20 hr production begins. i was team with, saiful, sandra, johnne, marissa n then jane came along. honestly, i think my acting suxs n the video too. oh well, nvm, i cant complain. thank goodness it was over. i overslept that night, i thought of helping jane n marissa editting the video. but all of us overslept.
3rd day.
woke up. it was cold so i didnt shower. hehe. we were given money to buy milo at 7-11. then ate our breakfast, grab our things n went to E2 lecture theatre n watch another gay related movie. haiz. i fall asleep again. guys, i didnt drool ok. i know i look ugly while i was sleeping. hahaha. halfway thru the movie, i was bored, so i decided to go online. i played pokemon for a while. speaking of pokemon, johnne played pokemon. hahaha. n yeah, siti got a new nickname, jigglypuff! she loves to laugh a lot. then i talked to saiful online, eventhough he was sitting right in front of me. he tinks that im serious n i rarely smile, cuz i gave him the cold look before. sorry dude, i was feeling down on friday. n you know why. once you get to know me, i smile a lot. hahaha.
then finally at about 4pm, home!!!!! hahaha. i went home with siti,illah,saiful n huz. so kecoh especially huz. hahaha. illah is the super milipede girl. hahaha.
i went home, so tired. that after i bathe, i immediately went to sleep. 5pm to 10pm. 5 straight hours. yeah, i was that tired. then i decided to go online. n stupid bro didnt allow me to. bt i went online anyways.
chat with the class, saiful, dino until morning. then i watch dbsk stuff for a while. n hey! IT'S MICKY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!
that's all i gotta say,
Kayla Anika
Friday, 1 June 2007
im alright. i guess.
i really had fun with the girls yesterday. first we went to Plaza Singapura for a meal at KFC. haha. i was not myself on that day. i decided to order the buddy meal, but i accidentally said 'bloody meal' hahaha. i shared the meal with erika.
speaking of erika unnie, she had the pre-bdae symptoms. haha. she was not herself on that day too. we're speaking nonsense. hahahahaha.
next, i thought of going coolzone at s'pore shopping ctr, yeah we did. but it was raining heavily and we're drench in the rain. argh!!! my nice straight hair is now curly...damn the rain!!! then coolzone is closed. haiz. so we went to parkmall. next, we took the free shuttle bus to chinatown and walk n walk n walk around there.
then, all of us decided to go to esplanade. at first, we wanted to go to the new stadium by the water just beside esplanade but nah, we're too lazy. instead we took crazy pictures. i'll upload the pictures later. so lazy lah.
after that, we went home. oh yeah, we drop by hmv. n the rising sun concert dvd was there! yippee!!! reasonable price. n then i saw MITO, cheap sia!!!! wah. i want to buy both. haiz. must save money.
on the way home, we took the rebound train. n then there was some troublemakers who is trying to boil our bloods up. erika and i were really furious about it. the rest was quite blur on what is going on. erika and i said something, that makes them quiet. haha.
i slept all the way to wdls. all of us except for me and erika alighted at admiralty. erika and i walked around cp for a while and of course we went to CC. haha. i bought a 2R picture of dbsk. hehehe. erika and i bought drinks for ourselves n then we went home. erika followed me home to get her present. haha.
unnie im glad that you like the pressie. actually i want to buy you a dbsk mug from CC but ask kyra. we went to sembawang then yishun lastly cwp. there's no dbsk mug. all fahrenheit. grrr. hahaha. then i saw mickey mouse, idea struck my head immediately. since i couldnt give you micky yoochun, but mickey mouse is closer. hahaha. still mickey.
back at home, mimi, eera and my aunt came to visit my granny, cuz right now she's there living with me for a while. then i pack my stuff for my IG camp. yup, i wont be home for 3 days. i will update on sunday. if im not that tired.
today, i arrive fashionably late. yup. only 3 groups today instead of 5. half the class is absent. haiz. yup! HALF! hehe. i decided not to talk to him and keep quiet. for the first time, i dun want him to be in my team. thankfully, he's not. im still healing from heartbroken. bt yeah, hero will be there for me. cheering me up when im down. right oppa? n also my dolphin!
i was quite moody for a while. at 1.30pm i met my fellow cassiopeians!!!! yay!! joey, jasmine, mary, debbie n erm..cherry? i cant get her name yet. all of us is trying to setup a new IG called Korean Culture Club. so we discussed, most of the founding members are fans of DBSK except for debbie, but she listens to se7en. haha.
my class is having a class bbq at east coast on tuesday. so erika n kyra, are you guys free on that day. tell me asap. kkk??!!
ok. i think thats about it for now. i will enjoy my camp, i hope.
Kayla Anika