Friday, 31 August 2007
What A Day!
I went out the whole day today.
I woke up early to watch Malaysia's Independent Day parade with mum.
Every year she watch it. Cuz she was born in Msia.
Then I took my shower and get dress to meet Ace and Saleha at Admiralty MacD.
So after meeting, the 3 of us went to WRSS. Yeah, it was Teacher's Day celebrations. And blargh, the concert was boring as always. I prefer last year's concert. But the part where Mr Siva does a skit was damn funny. Mr Siva dress up as a student with our uniform. Haha.
After the concert, we the Sec 5s teased him, to pull up his socks, scold him for no wearing proper black shoes. Haha. He loved to do that to us before.
My clique wasn't there, it's a sad thing but they have their schedules, so I don't blame them.
Then chat with Mr Bruce, our Sec 5 form teacher, for a while at the canteen. Sadly, it will be his last year in WRSS cuz he is transfering school. Aww.
After that, I went to my cuzin, Mimi's house and wait for her to get dress cuz we're going out to Wisma n get her bloody phone fix. I don't know what to say to her, about her dressing.
Eh! Ur mum is actually ok, so don't blame ur mum cuz ur the main problem. Pendek!
After sending her phone at the repair centre, we walked around Orchard and browse some CDs at HMV. Then, we went to eat BK. Meet her mum at CP.
I bought a new Hi-Card number for my mum as her bdae present. Me and Bro had already bought her a phone for her bdae. Her bdae is tmr. 1st Sept. She is turning 50.
So Mum, Happy Birthday to ya. Selamat panjang umur & murah rezeki.
I know I've been bad to ya, bt I try my best to be the perfect daughter like what you dream of. I'm sorry for blaming you for all the things that I couldn't do. I've hurt you a lot of times. I'm sorry. Really sorry. I will always pray for you. *getting teary*
Ok anyways.
I'm on yet another Korean drama marathon. Haha. This time the drama is called, The Devil.
It's like CSI type of Drama. Kinda mysterious. Keeps your mind thinking.
And most importantly....
Remember Prince Lee Shin from Goong(Princess Hours)? He is acting in this drama! My prince is acting as a lawyer this time. A really mysterious lawyer. Cool!! There's 20 Episode, so right now I'm halfway there, now on Episode 10. Oh, I like the soundtrack, the opening theme.
that's about it.
Kayla Anika
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
I Don't Sleep In My Room For 2nd Time Cuz Of The Same Reason.
2 days ago, i didn't sleep in my room again, why?
cuz i watch super junior's mystery 6 episodes, and, omg, it was damn scary.
it was a true story!! the apartment that they are living was haunted. they even showed the footage that the ghost exists! Seriously it was scary. The ghost is in my Super Junior darling Donghae's room. Poor Donghae, cuz he's been having nightmares n his nightmares are scary.
There are series of terror events that are happening to them, it was scary larh. Like Donghae fainted in the bathroom, Sungmin got lock in the recording studio,Donghae almost drowned in the pool in Thailand, Ryeowook got lock in the more. Ish! I got damn scared after watching the episodes that I didnt dare to enter my room.
Well enuf of that ghostly stuff.
I've just send tonnes of Dougie Poynter pics to Zakia. Haha. At least my McFly resources are not wasted. So here ya go Zakia, ur lizard loving bf. Haha.
Here's what been bothering me.
My right knee! Damnit! Sometimes it hurts, sometime it does not.
Ish! Kayla have to stop her late night dancing or else, I might be going for surgery.
Bt I can't help it la, I love dancing. What can I do? I dun wanna go for Xray. No! Plz!
I really do hope that I can go for my class chalet, which I think I can go. Cuz everyone is going, except for that super quiet boy Qiyang. All 23 of us is going, if I don't go. Then damn! Khai! I try to persuade my mum to cook fried rice for you guys.
that's about it,
Kayla Anika
Sunday, 26 August 2007
Sentosa Sunburn
first of all, ouch ouch ouch!!
Kyra and Erika, aww, cute!
Erika took this pic. I love the sea. I feel so happy and relaxed when I'm at sea, that is why I love going to the beach.
Friday, 24 August 2007
Sentosa. Here We Go!
Happy Birthday to my dearest beloved adik, Nadia Asyikin.
She turned 9 years old today.
So I hope she will be a good girl who listens to her mum and study hard ok. Follow your dreams, ok? Kakak sayang kamu!
Eventhough I was harsh on you, bt deep inside I love you. Eventhough we are cuzins bt heck care, I treat you as my own flesh and blood.
I'm so looking forward to go to Sentosa with the girls tmr!! Yay!! Wohooo!! We gonna have fun!! Yippee!! Let's hope everyone go ok. Like I said, NO LAST MINUTE BACKING OUT!
Damn. That Shakir keeps on flocking my phone inbox! For godsakes, we are cuzins(well 2nd cuzin to be exact). Not Lovers! Ish. Mat Rep sia! I don't want Mat Reps!
Bro and I took a ride in the car to Bukit Merah, cuz Bro wanna fill in some petrol for the car. It was nice to see Singapore's night life. Get to see the CBD too!! Damn beautiful!! Didn't manage to take pictures, but oh well. It was nice!
Then Ling text me, the past conflict. My class knows about it. And the girl apologised. Ling show me the msg, I'm sure it will touch my heart when it has already touched yours. So let's start the friendship between you and her all over again aye?? Peace No War! So let's rejuvenate during the class chalet!! Yay!!
Erm, Dad I need money for tmr! Haha.
That's about it. I'll post pictures of Sentosa wif my dear beloved clique, D100Dgreez!!
Kayla Anika
Thursday, 23 August 2007
The Horny Monkeys I Will Miss. is the last day of Semester 1.
Which means, next semester, new class and new classmates. Haiz, have to re-adapt again. I love W35B! Awesome class.
Well, me and khai started this mini project of ours. We did a sorta slideshow/video clip of pictures of the class. The pictures are all the times we had together. Then Khan joined in, and with 3 masterminds, It’s a success.
Sorry to those who felt offended (if any). But let’s forgive n forget, it was just for the fun of it.
The class ordered pizza, 6 boxes of it. Yummy!
Cool!! We had a feast together. I was bloated! Hehehe.
Erm, not all are present there's only 19 of us in class, instead of 24. Bt that's ok.
We took a lot of pictures today. And also we got free hugs!!! Haha. I’m gonna miss you guys. Tisk. Tisk. Do keep in touch ya!?
Honestly I don’t feel like coming.As expected, not a lot of ppl came. Haiz.
Then Ghaz blabbers about storytelling again, and this time it was bout story telling in different mediums. Like music video, documentary etc etc.
I was quite bored in the beginning until I saw one of Ghaz’s flicks called Hidden Treasure. I was shocked!!!!!! Shock to see my ex-sec school art teacher acting in that film. Whoa! Mdm Aneesa, great job!!! Eventhough it was a short film but great job! No wonder the other time, I kinda like saw you in RP.
Then Ghaz had this crazy idea, is to do a music video. Aigoo. No mood to do during the hols. Kinda bz. 2nd week, the class gonna have their chalet again. Ish!
We were split into 2 groups. I was group along with Simah, Saf, Illyas, Johnne,Jelly and Maya. Then we have to do a music video using a song by Evanescence called My Immortal. Haiz. Illyas said it was difficult to do that music video. Bt erm, I think easy leh. Oh well nvm. Still we have to do within 3 weeks. Dateline, first day of Sem 1. Haiz.
Anything la eh, furthermore I have AFA on the 6th which I don’t think I can go. Depends on the class chalet lorr.
The while I was in IG meeting, out of sudden, Shakir texts me. Shakir is my mum’s cuzin son. Aigoo, he confessed that he like me since we were young. He is younger than me by a year. Let’s us stay as cuzins okie. Nothing more than that.
Haiz. Dunno what to say. Erika just text me that she can’t go this Saturday to Sentosa. Aigoo. C’mon Erika, cool down. Try to persuade ur mum again. If still can’t, nvm though. But the rest, MUST COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don’t back out arh! Unless I back out. Haha. No, I won’t! I wanna hit the beach, yearning to go to the beach for a very damn long time since the last trip to Sentosa with Saiful.
We didn’t join my class gathering that time, for godsake I was wearing jeans and black jacket and brown top. But after that trip, I was like, shucks I wanna go dip into the sea!! Badly!
So I wish, Erika’s mum changed her mind. Her mum is quite similar to my mum. Erika and I can’t take each of our mum’s nagging!! Seriously. Too much. And our mums like to compare our siblings. Ish! Stop it! We are who we are. Not our siblings. Nothing else to compare or what. Grrr…
Oh Zakia! U want Dougie’s pictures????!!! I have a lot. Since pre-debut to debut to latest. Haha. And yes he loves Lizards.
Tmr is my adik’s(Nadia) bdae. Im kinda broke to give her pressie. Sorry adik. Bt I love you. Saranghae! I might be harsh on you, but I love you!
Oh ya, Kyra tmr ur da dong bdae also right!!?? Hahaha.
That’s about it ppl,
Kayla Anika
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Global Audition

hi punkettes...
i found that SM Entertainment (dbsk,suju,csjh,kangta) is organising a global audition. My gosh! they held it in USA! they held the same type of audition last year in Msia! bt y this year USA??! I wanna go if it is held in Msia.
Bring the global audition here in S'pore please. For sure, I'll be there. I don't mind being SM trainee for 6 years if i have to. The important thing is I like what I'm doing and I'm following my dreams. Haiz.
that's all for now.
Kayla Anika
Monday, 20 August 2007
Mum Oh Mum!
Mum thinks that I’m always rude to her when I am not.
Eventhough she thinks that I’m rude to her, but normally I say it in a low tone voice.
I seriously really don’t get it. Omg!
She really wants me to be that typical housewife material.
You know, the one who can cook,clean,do housework type of girl.
To make it short, very the ‘kampung’type.
WTH? Me? Doing all that.
I clean the dishes, I do my own laundry, I sweep the floor, ok, I Admit I didn’t know how to cook that much. But hey, just give me a recipe and I cook for ya. No problem. I can take it.
This is the 21st Century, where do you expect a modern type of girls doing all this stuff.
Consider you are lucky that I know how to do it, it’s just that It’s not often.
Take for example, one of my fren, she didn’t know how to cook, do simple housework, she didn’t even recognize veggies in the market. That’s worst right.
Ok, and now I know what you expect on how I should respond to you. Ok, I get it.
And bro, it’s a wake up call to you too. Remember you have to talk to me nicely, not like a gangster asking money from me. So I expect you to be nice to me. Get it!
Haiz. I seriously don’t know how long am I going to be like this.2 vs 1 thingy again.
Mum is the ulu-ulu type of thinking ppl. Yeah. So, haiz, I have bare with it.
I’m sorry, I can’t be perfect. You gotta accept me for me. I am what I am. I can’t possibly change into another person. I am Me.
This is serious shit. I can’t be the housewife material type of girl.
I live in the city! Not Kampung! Why suffer where you can use the convenience?
Aigoo! I’m going crazy.
So you want me to be soft and gentle? Tell me. I am a girl for godsake, girls should be soft and gentle. Maybe not on the outside for some, but definitely in every girl, there must be a soft side of her.
Mum, why can’t you accept me for me? Why you want me to be someone else?
Don’t try to change me, cuz I am what I already am.
Help, I need anger management counseling. Aigoo!
But no matter how you make my life difficult, I still love you cuz you are my mother. Who doesn’t love their very own mother right??
The other day, I look at some of the past home videos of our family. Like birthday parties video etc etc.
And I look at one of my bdae celebration video.
After my family sang Happy Birthday to me, mum kissed me on the cheeks.
And tears ran down my cheeks as I am watching it.
I really miss it. I really really do miss it. (Gosh, there’s tears welling up my eyes!)
I miss that kind of love. And I miss celebrating it like that.
But I can’t complain, I think of Erika, she doesn’t normally have bdae cakes on her bdae. And she doesn’t complain. I understand.
Ok, I confess that like to be ‘manja’ around. But mum doesn’t seem to get it. Nvm.
Yeah, I may not look like the type of ‘manja’ girl. But I like to be pampered once in a while. What the hey, I’m the youngest in the family. Love is all I need. But I don’t feel it. Show it please.
I’m gonna throw away that stuck up face and try to smile a little more.
No wonder ppl say me that I don’t smile that much. Ok, I smile a little more aye? K?
So Mum, I won’t try to repeat the most regretful thing that I did to you, which is to make you cry on your bdae. Damn, that is the most regretful thing in my life. And I still regret to this very day. So your bdae is around the corner, I try my best to be the perfect daughter that you dream all this years. But, I know I can’t be perfect, just right ok?
So this pic was taken before I left school. Cuz I left school early to meet Erika, cuz she wanted to buy something for her mum's bdae. So we walk n walk. Erika did quite a lot of shopping today. Hehe. We both went to Comics Connection, n damn....I was like so so so pissed off. Why? Cuz there were new stocks, I ran out of money!!! Damn...Damn!! Haha. New pics on the keychains. All damn handsome. And the posters, the latest pics!! I want! I want! But no money now. Ish Ish! Nvm. Next month must buy! I don't care. Haha!
So to my beloved clique D100Dgreez, 25th Aug, its a confirm that we're going to Sentosa. I'll drag along Azimah. Safiah n Erika, u drag along Ain. Erm, who else to drag? The more the merrier. Haha. Let's have fun aight!?
Sunday, 19 August 2007
Big Bang Boom!
ok ok. i'll update ok.
i'll update on my new discovery. Haha.
well acutally not new, i know about this band before, but never took notice of it.
yup. another korean band. called BIG BANG!
Well, i got to know about this band, after tvxq and suju.
The first time i got to know this band is from MTV, where they perform their song La La La in USA MTVK, where Se7en was there bringing his YG family.
Then i watch their reality show on MTV the other day, they are not that bad.
So i decided to download their songs.
So here they are:

from left: Choi Seung Hyun (T.O.P), Dong Young Bae(Tae Yang),
Kwon Ji-Yong(G-dragon,The Leader), Lee Seung Hyun(Seung-ri), Kang Dae Sung(Dae Sung)
so i have to pick my favourite member right? Haha. I take 2! The 2 seung-hyun. The youngest and the oldest in the band. Haha! Their age are ranging from 17-20. Young aye? Haha!
And so, im starting to like this band too. Haha! bt i still do like dbsk!!
and the song that you are listening now is Lalala by Big Bang!
hmm...other news.
oh ya. it's been a long time i never heard news from Son Of Dork. Yeah, my dorks after McFly.
and you know what? Now, they are a 4 piece band instead of 5 cuz Dave left mysteriously. I don't know why. I didn't get the idea. James said that Dave changed his myspace password that the band couldn't access to it. I was like huh? Why Dave left the band?? DAVE!! WHY!!??
Oh well, i still have Danny in there. Haha. And they are preparing for their 2nd album i guess. I can't wait.
It seems that my mcfly lads is keeping it low now, there are like taking a break while preparing on their 4th album and also their greatest hits tour in Winter. Hehe! Well all of them except for Doug has gf now. Nvm. Hahaha!! Good luck lads!!
Oh yes, fightstar! Charlie and his gang! Haha.
They have a new single now called '99'. I want the song. Cuz it seems nice. Anyone has that song? And they are featured on the upcoming Resident Evil flick soundtrack too. Whoa! Good aye? So Charlie, how's Camilla? Nvr heard anything from her. Hmm?? Haha.
So probably next Saturday I'm going out with my beloved Clique. Maybe to Sentosa!! Yippee. You know what girls, I'm trying to drag Azimah along. Cuz it's been long long long long time, we never heard anything from her. Illah! I need your sis to call me!!
Ok, that's probably about it now.
The semester gonna end soon. I'm gonna miss my class W35B. tisk tisk.
Do keep it touch ya!!!! Last day of sch, everyone must come! Including Dicky!
Kayla Anika
Thursday, 16 August 2007
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Ok! I’m back! Yes, I am now back from my vacation.
And it was great n relaxing!
Kayla Anika has conquered all the hill resort in M’sia. Haha. It’s an accomplishment, ok!
Hehe. Name any hill resort in Msia, I’ve been there.
Ok let’s talk about it shall we.
I decided to leave school early, cuz I got more packing to do.
I went to Erika’s crib to transfer some games from my laptop to her comp, by the help of Kyra’s hardrive.
Then at night, around 12 midnight, we’re off to JB.
Overnight at granny’s house.
Wake up at around 7.30. Took a bath n get ready.
After breakfast around 8.30, we set off to Fraser’s Hill!
We stop at Ayer Keroh, like always, it’s a must for me to buy Root Beer Float n curly fries at A&W there. But sadly, it ran out of root beer float. Tisk..tisk. bt I got my curly fries. Haha.
We continue the journey after resting for a while.
Well, I sleep in the car most of the time while listening to my Mp3 in full volume. Yup, typical me. Whenever I go on long journey like this, I always sleep in the car. Hey! It’s the highway, what more to see other than trees all around it. BORING! So sleep lorr. And fiqah, your Minnie mouse cushion that u gave me for my bdae came in handy. Haha!
The journey to Fraser’s Hill, was erm, got me a bit dizzy. Well, typical. Zig-zaggy roads.
As we climb up the hill(by car lah!), I could feel the cool breeze swept through my hair. It was lovely n cooling! Bro turn off the car air-cond, n we opened the windows instead, let the cool breeze in.
We arrived at on top of the hill at 3pm, exactly. Haha. Check into shahzan inn hotel. The room was okay, quite spacious.
After we ate lunch, we chill out in the room and I fell asleep again. Can’t help it la, the cool breeze is so tempting for me to sleep. Woke up around 6pm, cuz mum,dad wanted to go out to the town.
Yeah, here’s a pic at the clock tower in the middle of the town.
The weather is so so so chilly at night. I love it!
And omg! I’ve never seen so many stars at night. It was so so so so lovely!!
I sat at the edge of the room balcony, looking at the stars. Reflecting and Thinking. Haha.
Haha! I ponteng school! Sorry to my team! Hehe.
Mum woke me up and asked me whether I want to go to the hotel complimentary breakfast. Cuz its only for 3 person. I said, No. Cuz I don’t eat breakfast that much. So mum,dad n bro went for breakfast while I stay in bed. I got a good sleep last night plus the chilly weather.
Then after they came back, I took my hot shower. Mind you, the weather is cold over there. Bt I like cold weather. Haha. Then, I ate my breakfast, well, hot tea(a must!) and red bean bun. Then, we’re off to explore the whole place.
We went to Jeriau Waterfall, 4km away from town. The journey to the waterfall, was quite long. Cuz we have to walk further in, to reach to the waterfall. Mum and Dad had a hard time. Hehe.
But once u reach there, IT WAS AMAZING!!!!
It was already noon, Mum and Dad decided to call it a day, cuz they were tired.
I was like quite disappointed, but nvm, I understand.
After lunch, I fell asleep again. Haha. Cannot help it lah, chilly weather.
Nightime, I look at the stars again. Thinking and reflecting again. It’s beautiful.
I extremely love it. I try to find Cassiopeia, bt nope, I couldn’t find it.
Instant noodles was my dinner for the night, and I ate 2 bowls of it. Haha.
I went down to eat the hotel’s restaurant complimentary breakfast with dad n bro. Nothing much. I ate sausages, scramble eggs, and baked bean. Hot tea and grape juice. That’s it. I don’t fancy eating breakfast that much. But I MUST have my hot tea.
After breakfast, packing time. I pack all my stuff into my luggage. And about 9am, my family left Fraser’s Hill. But before we officially leave the place, we bought souvenirs. I spent my money on just souvenirs. Well basically keychains. I promised Ling, Zakia and Siti souvenirs, so I gotta keep that promise. Not forgetting my beloved clique.
We stop by my cuzin’s house in Selangor and ate lunch there. My cuzin-in-law Chicken Rice was tasty but the chicken seems to be overcook. Haha. After that, we’re off to overnight at my aunt’s new house. Which is quite nearby.
I extremely love my aunt’s home interior. Quite modern. And I love the mini fountain outside. Cool! Watch football on TV, Selangor Vs Singapore, SINGAPORE WIN! HURRAH!
From my aunt’s house to my granny’s house in JB. 4hrs journey. As always, sleep! Haha.
Arrived at grandma’s crib around 5pm. Bro said we’re going back to S’pore at night.
It was not at night, but early in the morning! 2am!
And so, I safely arrived back in S’pore 2am Monday morning. DAMN TIRED!
And yeah, that is my holiday ppl. Haha. Monday, I pon school again, cuz I can’t take it lah, damn tired and sleepy. I text Zakia saying that I’m not coming. And yeah, I sleep the whole day. That’s how tired I am. Haha.
So that’s it, I can’t wait to go on holiday again. Haha.
December is always the best time to go holidays.
Kayla Anika
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
Yes, I am finally going on holiday. So this blog will be on hiatus for 5 days. I promise to update ya on my holiday/vacation and post pictures in this blog.
So before I go, I wanna wish my cuzin, Ridwan, a Happy 15th Birthday of 8th August and my friend, Affa on 13th August.
A shoutout to SIT! My school!! Eventhough they never win the overall champion of the BRAG games, but:
"The end of BRAG 07 has come and the winners have been announced.
The BRAG Sports Champion is School of Sports Health and Leisure (SHL).
The BRAG Mascot and Cheer Champion is School of Information and Communications Technology (SIT).
The Overall Champion of BRAG and the winner of the BRAG Challenge Shield is School of Sports Health and Leisure (SHL)."
Hehe. Proud ah. To be in SIT!
That's about it, see you in 5 days time.
Kayla Anika
Friday, 3 August 2007
5 more days
well, today's science problem was quite okay. i can understand it unlike the previous problem which gave everyone a headache. my comp hang while I was playing need for speed most wanted, it was crucial man!! i was on a pursuit.
oh ya, i wore chinlay(malay-chinese). Hahaha. I wore my red cheongsam top which I bought with Kyra just a day before Racial Harmony Day last year. And it goes well with new dorky specs. Haha.
Jannah played my childhood song in class today, it was a malay song by my favourite female malaysian rocker, Ella. The song called Sembilu. Memories flashback. That song was the very first song that I've started to learn to sing. And I was 4 years old!! Yeah, I was like putting on a performance everytime I meet my relatives. My dad would go, 'Adik! Nyanyi sembilu' (Adik, Sing Sembilu). And i would sing it, with passion and the facial expressions. Hahaha. Those were the days.
Siti was siao today, and the funny thing is that, after lesson was over, when we're about to go home, she forgot to wear her slippers. Hahahahahaha. Aigoo.
On the way to interchange, Siti and I annoy Zakia by singing the song Pencinta Wanita by Irwansyah. Cuz she hates that song. Hahaha.
I didnt go home, but I went to Erika's crib instead, I thought of transfering some games to her comp. But nope, can't cuz, insufficient memory. But i let her play F.E.A.R on my laptop, but erm, i dunno what happened my laptop hang again. Haiz. But then, we played Need For Speed. We were like cursing and swearing while I was on a pursuit with the police. Erika, sorry that I scream so loud, I forgot that your mum was sleeping. Hehe. But I can't help it la, the police so bastard ah!! I got busted a lot of time until my Mitshubishi Eclipse car was impounded.
But then, I got home, eat my dinner and I continue on playing the game. Then, I released my car that was impounded. Yay! Phew! N i challenge Blacklist #8 already. I'm slowly climbing up the rank.
And yeah, I ate the whole tub of Tiramisu ice-cream. ALL BY MYSELF!!!!!YUMMY!!
I can't wait man, my vacation is drawing nearer. Just 5 more days
Yahoo!!! Fraser's Hill here I come!!
I'm going to be away for 5 days, w/o laptop. Aigoo. Nvm. At least I can relax.
That's about it,
Kayla Anika