I'll Stay Silent.
For god damn sake, I don't even have time for myself! I havent been reading blogs for like a week. Cuz Im damn busy. Got stupid deadlines to meet. That's y the apology is a week late!
Get it?
I hate to fight through blogs like this. Pretty immature. So I'll stop here.
I'll Stay Silent.
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
That Pisses Me Off. Really.
hi punkettes..
Just a moment ago, I feel happy. Then just a split second, I'm not.
I was blog hopping while in class, feeling rather bored actually. Then went to erika's blog, n I can't believe that she is dissapointed cuz she thinks that I blew her off last minute.
"Some frend of mine dumped me for a trip to Sembawang Park with her other frends... awesome isnt? Next time if you have other plans in thought when i msg you saying i wanna go somewhere with u, tell me straight. Dont wait until i rushed home, changed and wait for u to msg me so that i can go out to meet u then u call me saying you're not comin with me.Tat totally puts me off. I wanna go to CP to check out things i wanted to buy and the prices so that i can count them, collect the money and buys them before chalet next year. Nvm then, i'll ask other frends of mine to come along with me, at least they wont dumped me off at the last minute which i desperately hates about ppl."
First thing, I nvr promised her anything. Ok, I have to admit that my frens are taking a damn long time to making up their mind on where to go on that day. But I said that I will confirm with her. What's the problem with when you're already at home, changed, then go out again. Then when I can't come with you, maybe some other time rite. To tell you the truth I hate the last line. Me dumping you off. Ok fine. Whatever it is, I'm sorry, if you think that Im wrong when I seriously think I'm not.
I bought the new super junior album today. It is worth the money. 13 different covers!! Wow. Plus a booklet. But that only makes me happy for a while, but inside, I'm still sad n pissed.
So whatever la. I won't take it so hard. Whatever will be will be.
I don't want to be stubborn, so I apologise ok.
Kyra, Sorry I can't come n support your fashion design competition. But i want a preview of your clothes la! Hehe. Nvm. I will pray for you to get into finals okie?! Good luck buddy!! Hwaiting!
W35Q, has their down week today. Some cried, Some was pissed, some was sad. I miss the fun in the class. But when there are ups, there must be downs. So I hope next week, we are back to our ownself okay? Come on!
After tmr, this blog will be on hiatus.
ok then.
Kayla Anika
Just a moment ago, I feel happy. Then just a split second, I'm not.
I was blog hopping while in class, feeling rather bored actually. Then went to erika's blog, n I can't believe that she is dissapointed cuz she thinks that I blew her off last minute.
"Some frend of mine dumped me for a trip to Sembawang Park with her other frends... awesome isnt? Next time if you have other plans in thought when i msg you saying i wanna go somewhere with u, tell me straight. Dont wait until i rushed home, changed and wait for u to msg me so that i can go out to meet u then u call me saying you're not comin with me.Tat totally puts me off. I wanna go to CP to check out things i wanted to buy and the prices so that i can count them, collect the money and buys them before chalet next year. Nvm then, i'll ask other frends of mine to come along with me, at least they wont dumped me off at the last minute which i desperately hates about ppl."
First thing, I nvr promised her anything. Ok, I have to admit that my frens are taking a damn long time to making up their mind on where to go on that day. But I said that I will confirm with her. What's the problem with when you're already at home, changed, then go out again. Then when I can't come with you, maybe some other time rite. To tell you the truth I hate the last line. Me dumping you off. Ok fine. Whatever it is, I'm sorry, if you think that Im wrong when I seriously think I'm not.
I bought the new super junior album today. It is worth the money. 13 different covers!! Wow. Plus a booklet. But that only makes me happy for a while, but inside, I'm still sad n pissed.
So whatever la. I won't take it so hard. Whatever will be will be.
I don't want to be stubborn, so I apologise ok.
Kyra, Sorry I can't come n support your fashion design competition. But i want a preview of your clothes la! Hehe. Nvm. I will pray for you to get into finals okie?! Good luck buddy!! Hwaiting!
W35Q, has their down week today. Some cried, Some was pissed, some was sad. I miss the fun in the class. But when there are ups, there must be downs. So I hope next week, we are back to our ownself okay? Come on!
After tmr, this blog will be on hiatus.
ok then.
Kayla Anika
Erika's Hubby God Damn Hot. So Does Mine.
hi punkettes...
Erika! Your hubby is hot!!!!!! Hahahaha!!
And look at my hubby ah!! His figure!!
Right now, I'm in class in 3rd meeting already. Surf the net to search any new pictures of my darling, then I found these. Feel like shouting now, but now got presentation, so I held back. Soulmate hotness shot me right thru! Whoa!! Hahaha.
Erika you want these pictures, Nudge me went you see me online.
Kayla Anika
Tuesday, 27 November 2007
I'm tired
hi punkettes..
Lately ive been a lazy bum. Im lazy to update my blog.
Haha. Yeah, I'm sorry. Now im updating ok.
For the past few weeks I've been:
Feeling so damn stress.
Fall a bit sick.
Lepak with Geylang Gang.
Cam-whore in the library with crazy classmates.
Addicted to playing Sims 2.
Crying my eyes out.
Pissed at someone.
So basically for the past few days or weeks, I've been having mixed feelings.
Today maths was stress as usual. Damn bloody bastard didn't come. I came in late for sch. Went to starbucks, bought breakfast for them and also double choc frappe. In the end, we're the sole survivor. Haha. Most of the class left before meeting 3. Then went to IMM wif minah. I bought slippers which mum gonna nag when she finds out. Bought some stuff for the trip.
Oh yeah, this blog gonna be on hiatus for 4 days starting on Friday. Why? Cuz on Friday, I'm going back to kampung with my relatives. I promise to update when I get back. I'll update with pictures, okie?
Tmr, I'm going to get my fitness back up to the standard that I used to have, cuz I'm going to jog in the morning with geylang gang and probably with amanda.
Getting over him is tougher than I thought. But no worries, I have friends to make me forget about it. They made me happy.
There's a disease happening in class. The gagap and pelat disease. Haha. I wont mention names. I think GG knows about it. So hush! Hahaha.
24th Nov, I miss the concert of my lifetime. Jaejoong is in Malaysia while I'm in Singapore. I should go to KL and see Jaejoong live in action. Erika and I had miss watching our hubby live in action. Haiz. I wanna watch DBSK live!!!!!!! When I get my license, I'll drive to KL myself!! I'm serious about it.
To Kyra & Erika: I've seen Kyra's lovely designs and I like it. Shall we start our business as we plan long time ago in small scale first. We'll never know, we might become famous one day. Haha. I'm serious. Shall we, I'm up for it.
To GG(Geylang Gang) and W35Q: Woit! We need to go out together with the class also. Go bowling or go vivo cuz Ace Azri is Vivo Virgin. You guys plan ok? Then tell me.
Ok la, I'll update more tmr. Actually i have no idea on what to update now. Haha.
Kayla Anika
Lately ive been a lazy bum. Im lazy to update my blog.
Haha. Yeah, I'm sorry. Now im updating ok.
For the past few weeks I've been:
Feeling so damn stress.
Fall a bit sick.
Lepak with Geylang Gang.
Cam-whore in the library with crazy classmates.
Addicted to playing Sims 2.
Crying my eyes out.
Pissed at someone.
So basically for the past few days or weeks, I've been having mixed feelings.
Today maths was stress as usual. Damn bloody bastard didn't come. I came in late for sch. Went to starbucks, bought breakfast for them and also double choc frappe. In the end, we're the sole survivor. Haha. Most of the class left before meeting 3. Then went to IMM wif minah. I bought slippers which mum gonna nag when she finds out. Bought some stuff for the trip.
Oh yeah, this blog gonna be on hiatus for 4 days starting on Friday. Why? Cuz on Friday, I'm going back to kampung with my relatives. I promise to update when I get back. I'll update with pictures, okie?
Tmr, I'm going to get my fitness back up to the standard that I used to have, cuz I'm going to jog in the morning with geylang gang and probably with amanda.
Getting over him is tougher than I thought. But no worries, I have friends to make me forget about it. They made me happy.
There's a disease happening in class. The gagap and pelat disease. Haha. I wont mention names. I think GG knows about it. So hush! Hahaha.
24th Nov, I miss the concert of my lifetime. Jaejoong is in Malaysia while I'm in Singapore. I should go to KL and see Jaejoong live in action. Erika and I had miss watching our hubby live in action. Haiz. I wanna watch DBSK live!!!!!!! When I get my license, I'll drive to KL myself!! I'm serious about it.
To Kyra & Erika: I've seen Kyra's lovely designs and I like it. Shall we start our business as we plan long time ago in small scale first. We'll never know, we might become famous one day. Haha. I'm serious. Shall we, I'm up for it.
To GG(Geylang Gang) and W35Q: Woit! We need to go out together with the class also. Go bowling or go vivo cuz Ace Azri is Vivo Virgin. You guys plan ok? Then tell me.
Ok la, I'll update more tmr. Actually i have no idea on what to update now. Haha.
Kayla Anika
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
hi punkettes..
im absent from the netizen world again...sorry.
I've been busy for the past week and being sick again. Haiz.
Yesterday was stressful for me. The deadline of that freaking film competition is today. And my team only got to edit yesterday. Freaking macbook gave us freaking problem. SUCKS! While digitising in the IG room, sound is not synchronize with the film. SUCKS!
Left us no choice but to slowly sychronize on our own. Me and Siti editted the film. Siti edit through macbook for the actual submission while I did on my editting software, in case we don't have time to finish. Adding salt to the wound, the macbook have to return today by 10am and exporting takes a longer time than I tot. I didn't get to sleep last nite due to editting, I only sleep at 7am plus and woke up around 8.30am.
I felt so terrible in the morning. SUCKS! My eyes were bloodshot red in the morning. My mood was down. Its raining, the best weather to sleep in. No mood to do anything today. Sorry Team. Minah! Sorry ah, I'm not really functioning today. After my presentation, I watch some SUJU videos with Minah. Then after lesson ends, yvonne said to me, that I was talking quite loud during other ppl team's presentation. I didn't realised that. Haha!
I guess what my parents said was right, I am getting deaf. SUCKS!
I don't freaking care about today's relief faci, Olive Oyl no.2! Urgh!
I've already watch SUJU's Marry U Mv, thanks to Minah. Well, all of them are in white! Awesome! Most of them got their decent haircolour back. Especially my darling, Kyuhyun!!
Oh well, I really really need to get some sleep. Tmr Science UT, another gone case UT, I hope not. Haiz. Kayla wants her bed, her bunny and her 'bantal'.
Kayla Anika
im absent from the netizen world again...sorry.
I've been busy for the past week and being sick again. Haiz.
Yesterday was stressful for me. The deadline of that freaking film competition is today. And my team only got to edit yesterday. Freaking macbook gave us freaking problem. SUCKS! While digitising in the IG room, sound is not synchronize with the film. SUCKS!
Left us no choice but to slowly sychronize on our own. Me and Siti editted the film. Siti edit through macbook for the actual submission while I did on my editting software, in case we don't have time to finish. Adding salt to the wound, the macbook have to return today by 10am and exporting takes a longer time than I tot. I didn't get to sleep last nite due to editting, I only sleep at 7am plus and woke up around 8.30am.
I felt so terrible in the morning. SUCKS! My eyes were bloodshot red in the morning. My mood was down. Its raining, the best weather to sleep in. No mood to do anything today. Sorry Team. Minah! Sorry ah, I'm not really functioning today. After my presentation, I watch some SUJU videos with Minah. Then after lesson ends, yvonne said to me, that I was talking quite loud during other ppl team's presentation. I didn't realised that. Haha!
I guess what my parents said was right, I am getting deaf. SUCKS!
I don't freaking care about today's relief faci, Olive Oyl no.2! Urgh!
I've already watch SUJU's Marry U Mv, thanks to Minah. Well, all of them are in white! Awesome! Most of them got their decent haircolour back. Especially my darling, Kyuhyun!!
Oh well, I really really need to get some sleep. Tmr Science UT, another gone case UT, I hope not. Haiz. Kayla wants her bed, her bunny and her 'bantal'.
Kayla Anika
Friday, 9 November 2007
Words I Couldn't Say
hi punkettes..
ive changed the blog song. basically this songs tells it all on how i feel. ive already what the song gonna be all about before i could read the translations.
the tittle of the song in english is 'Words I Couldn't Say'.
There are plenty of words that i couldn't say. I wish I could say it, but im afraid it would scare him away.
I wanna forget about you but you kept on re-appearing, but when I hope to see you again, you weren't there. Why can't I just let it go? I'm fool hoping for you, when I know I couldn't get you.
Oh well, here are the lyrics, I mean the translations:
Words I Couldn't Say (Goong S OST) - J
How much more tired are you..
How much longer can you go on burying everything..
I stir my head.. close my eyes..
I'm holding on like a fool..
I try to fool my heart by saying it's not.. but like a fool I regret it..
I keep getting heated and I keep thinking about you..
Without even realizing, my heart keeps getting lost searching for you..
*I'm trying to forget you.. trying to forget you.. trying to erase you...
Even if it's just one day I'm going to act happy without you, I'm going to try to smile..
But it's not like my heart to act this way, maybe that's why my act isn't working..
What am I to do.. I want to see you..
Instead of thinking of this breakup as our love ending, I'm just going to long for you..
Even if only the bad habits come and find me.. no matter how hard I try..
I'm here once again waiting..
Repeat *
You were always the first to be standing there..
Our eyes aren't able to meet this time because she's standing in front of you..
I love you so much..
The words I really want to say (words I want to say)
Words you won't ever be able to hear (My love)
How much I love you, I cry out again..
To me it's not the end for us...
Eventhough, how I feel right now is not about breaking up. It's about a crush I'm trying to forget. But the last line of the song says it all.
So, im feeling emo nowadays.
Kayla Anika
ive changed the blog song. basically this songs tells it all on how i feel. ive already what the song gonna be all about before i could read the translations.
the tittle of the song in english is 'Words I Couldn't Say'.
There are plenty of words that i couldn't say. I wish I could say it, but im afraid it would scare him away.
I wanna forget about you but you kept on re-appearing, but when I hope to see you again, you weren't there. Why can't I just let it go? I'm fool hoping for you, when I know I couldn't get you.
Oh well, here are the lyrics, I mean the translations:
Words I Couldn't Say (Goong S OST) - J
How much more tired are you..
How much longer can you go on burying everything..
I stir my head.. close my eyes..
I'm holding on like a fool..
I try to fool my heart by saying it's not.. but like a fool I regret it..
I keep getting heated and I keep thinking about you..
Without even realizing, my heart keeps getting lost searching for you..
*I'm trying to forget you.. trying to forget you.. trying to erase you...
Even if it's just one day I'm going to act happy without you, I'm going to try to smile..
But it's not like my heart to act this way, maybe that's why my act isn't working..
What am I to do.. I want to see you..
Instead of thinking of this breakup as our love ending, I'm just going to long for you..
Even if only the bad habits come and find me.. no matter how hard I try..
I'm here once again waiting..
Repeat *
You were always the first to be standing there..
Our eyes aren't able to meet this time because she's standing in front of you..
I love you so much..
The words I really want to say (words I want to say)
Words you won't ever be able to hear (My love)
How much I love you, I cry out again..
To me it's not the end for us...
Eventhough, how I feel right now is not about breaking up. It's about a crush I'm trying to forget. But the last line of the song says it all.
So, im feeling emo nowadays.
Kayla Anika
Thursday, 8 November 2007
I've Cried So Hard.
hi punkettes...
Sorry, for the late updates.
I've been upset. I don't what I'm upset about but I've been feeling miserable. Been listening to sad songs too, furthermore, I'm still recovering from flu and cough. It's been bugging me all week long and it's irritating.
Erika was sick, I just recovered, but we both went out to Novena SQ 2 with Minah. Walk around there checking about korean rice cakes, went into the korean mart and stuff. Then went to Plaza Singapura. Then back home. Yeah. At home, the flu bug came. Haiz.
Had to go sch for a while cuz got that PlayNow interview. Then went to library and sat there alone with my laptop while waiting for the girls cuz we're catching a movie later on. Thank god for wireless. Then met the girls and we bought tix to Bee Movie. Movie was okay and quite funny. I wish i could have a bee friend to talk to. Hehe. Sorry to my class who went to Night Cycling, sorry I can't make it. Hope you guys had fun. =)

One of the many pics we took before movie starts.
It's deepavali. But mum had plans. Mum cooked Nasi Dhal and brought the whole rice cooker to my aunt's house and we had a big feast there. The whole was so kecoh especially when we watch the 'Wujud' project DVD. I didn't dare to watch cuz it shows footage of real pontianak and pochong. Instead I play with my aunt's fat cat.
I borrowed my cuzin's Princess Hours dvd and back home I watch it all over again. Tears ran down my cheeks again.
Oh! Erika, I've finished downloading the goong epi. When do you want it?
Then, just a while ago, Minah send me a youtube link. The Super Junior guys went to vist their close friend, Bangsili. Remember the song Chutcha 'First Train', Bangsili was featured in that song. After watching that video, I cried. Yes, I cried, It was sad.
Then, I looked at my adik who was sleeping outside in the living room, I cried. Why? Cuz I felt bad at shouting at her cuz of her maths paper marks. Eventhough she got 71/100. But her problem sums section was 3/20!! I was furious about it, all the questions that was tested, I've gone through with her!! I felt so bad. Her mum is sick and still her mum work so hard for her.
I'll leave you with the link minah send, see it for yourself.
My flu is getting worst after all that crying.
Kayla, you're such a crybaby!
Kayla Anika
Sorry, for the late updates.
I've been upset. I don't what I'm upset about but I've been feeling miserable. Been listening to sad songs too, furthermore, I'm still recovering from flu and cough. It's been bugging me all week long and it's irritating.
Erika was sick, I just recovered, but we both went out to Novena SQ 2 with Minah. Walk around there checking about korean rice cakes, went into the korean mart and stuff. Then went to Plaza Singapura. Then back home. Yeah. At home, the flu bug came. Haiz.
Had to go sch for a while cuz got that PlayNow interview. Then went to library and sat there alone with my laptop while waiting for the girls cuz we're catching a movie later on. Thank god for wireless. Then met the girls and we bought tix to Bee Movie. Movie was okay and quite funny. I wish i could have a bee friend to talk to. Hehe. Sorry to my class who went to Night Cycling, sorry I can't make it. Hope you guys had fun. =)
One of the many pics we took before movie starts.
It's deepavali. But mum had plans. Mum cooked Nasi Dhal and brought the whole rice cooker to my aunt's house and we had a big feast there. The whole was so kecoh especially when we watch the 'Wujud' project DVD. I didn't dare to watch cuz it shows footage of real pontianak and pochong. Instead I play with my aunt's fat cat.
I borrowed my cuzin's Princess Hours dvd and back home I watch it all over again. Tears ran down my cheeks again.
Oh! Erika, I've finished downloading the goong epi. When do you want it?
Then, just a while ago, Minah send me a youtube link. The Super Junior guys went to vist their close friend, Bangsili. Remember the song Chutcha 'First Train', Bangsili was featured in that song. After watching that video, I cried. Yes, I cried, It was sad.
Then, I looked at my adik who was sleeping outside in the living room, I cried. Why? Cuz I felt bad at shouting at her cuz of her maths paper marks. Eventhough she got 71/100. But her problem sums section was 3/20!! I was furious about it, all the questions that was tested, I've gone through with her!! I felt so bad. Her mum is sick and still her mum work so hard for her.
I'll leave you with the link minah send, see it for yourself.
My flu is getting worst after all that crying.
Kayla, you're such a crybaby!
Kayla Anika
Monday, 5 November 2007
Fever Subside. Now Where's My Voice?
hi punkettes..
Sorry for my absence as a netizen.Hehe. I was sick.
After I came back from school last friday, I was coughing a lot.
Then on Saturday, I woke up. I body felt so weak. Haiz, but I have to go for filming. But I drank plenty of water. Filming went well, but I wasn't well at all. I slept the whole entire journey on the bus home. Back at home, my temperature rising and I completely lost my voice and also my tastebuds.
Yesterday, wasn't much different, I just sit and laze at home all day while mum and bro went to Johor. I was bored, so I decided to do my laundry, while I'm running a fever. Haha. Fiza can't sit still. Haha. At night, fetch dad from work and the whole family dine out at Selegie Road Banquet. With no tastebuds at all, I just ate porridge while others at scrumptious food. Oh dear.
I took some pictures on the way to Selegie from the car:

Erika told me to download Goong (Princess Hours episodes), So i'm downloading all the even number episodes now, while she download all the odds. There are 24 episodes in total.
Sorry for my absence as a netizen.Hehe. I was sick.
After I came back from school last friday, I was coughing a lot.
Then on Saturday, I woke up. I body felt so weak. Haiz, but I have to go for filming. But I drank plenty of water. Filming went well, but I wasn't well at all. I slept the whole entire journey on the bus home. Back at home, my temperature rising and I completely lost my voice and also my tastebuds.
Yesterday, wasn't much different, I just sit and laze at home all day while mum and bro went to Johor. I was bored, so I decided to do my laundry, while I'm running a fever. Haha. Fiza can't sit still. Haha. At night, fetch dad from work and the whole family dine out at Selegie Road Banquet. With no tastebuds at all, I just ate porridge while others at scrumptious food. Oh dear.
I took some pictures on the way to Selegie from the car:
Then today, the fever has subside but my voice still suxs. My tastebuds are back but not all of them. I just ate soupy stuff today. Not ready spicy stuff yet.
Erika told me to download Goong (Princess Hours episodes), So i'm downloading all the even number episodes now, while she download all the odds. There are 24 episodes in total.
That's all for now.
Kayla Anika
Friday, 2 November 2007
Squeek Squeek
Hi punkettes
I’ve been a lazy bum nowadays. Probably due to for me being too tired. Mum says that I’m lack of vitamin. Haiz. My laundry is piling up, and I’m lazy. Hehe. On Wednesday, I had my 2nd starbucks drink within 3 days. And my faci thinks I’m one rich lady. Haha. Nah, I ain’t that rich. If I’m really rich, I will have starbucks every single day. Oh yes, I will.
The air-cond in RP is getting extremely cold. Or was it me who used to like being in cold environment now starting to hate it? Hmm. TMR!! IS HOLIDAY!! It’s only a week, but oh heck, I need some rest!
But despite being tired and cold, but I’ve been happy lately. I was in extremely good mood the other day. Only god knows why I am happy. If you wanna know, I’ll tell you. But not here. Haha.
I like these recent msn nick from my classmates:
“Dim Molly as A Bitch”
“Dim Beam as a New Pimp”
“Dim Holiday Mood As Forever”
“I love Yimei…So Cute!”
“Age 18, Physical 15, Behaviour 10”
Very creative aye? Haha. Especially the VB like nicknames there.
Ok now, Britney’s latest album is a bang! Yeah, seriously. Plz plz plz, she must come back in proper attitude! I don’t want another disappointment like the VMAs. Honestly, I’ll buy the album when it is out here. I used to collect Britney’s and Xtina’s album. I have them all. Oh, not forgetting BSB and Nsync’s album too. Haha. Those were the Pop days.
And I’ve been listening back to McFly lately, since I left without keeping track on them ages ago. Haha. Sorry lads, still love ya! Strumming my guitar to their songs, made me feel so good.
Just read Erika’s blog about Super Junior not being a permanent band. WTH!! SM Entertainment wanna add a new member to SUJU, which apparently who is Henry, that Chinese-Canadian guy. Henry is ok, but SUJU is fine with 13 member. It is the largest boyband ever to date!! If any changes ever happen to SUJU, I’m joining Erika to kill SM Entertainment. Haha. Yes, I will!
To my lovely girlfriends, I wanna go out with you guys. Just leave your schedules to aside for a while and let’s have fun aye? Shall we? Please? I miss hanging out with you guys. And also, girls, I need your help!! Really. Can you girls help me with my short film production? Plz plz plz!!! I’ll tell you guys the details later.
Yesterday, Azri gone a lil bit crazy. "Squeek, Squeek!" Haha.
That's about it, I think I'm getting sick.
Kayla Anika
I’ve been a lazy bum nowadays. Probably due to for me being too tired. Mum says that I’m lack of vitamin. Haiz. My laundry is piling up, and I’m lazy. Hehe. On Wednesday, I had my 2nd starbucks drink within 3 days. And my faci thinks I’m one rich lady. Haha. Nah, I ain’t that rich. If I’m really rich, I will have starbucks every single day. Oh yes, I will.
The air-cond in RP is getting extremely cold. Or was it me who used to like being in cold environment now starting to hate it? Hmm. TMR!! IS HOLIDAY!! It’s only a week, but oh heck, I need some rest!
But despite being tired and cold, but I’ve been happy lately. I was in extremely good mood the other day. Only god knows why I am happy. If you wanna know, I’ll tell you. But not here. Haha.
I like these recent msn nick from my classmates:
“Dim Molly as A Bitch”
“Dim Beam as a New Pimp”
“Dim Holiday Mood As Forever”
“I love Yimei…So Cute!”
“Age 18, Physical 15, Behaviour 10”
Very creative aye? Haha. Especially the VB like nicknames there.
Ok now, Britney’s latest album is a bang! Yeah, seriously. Plz plz plz, she must come back in proper attitude! I don’t want another disappointment like the VMAs. Honestly, I’ll buy the album when it is out here. I used to collect Britney’s and Xtina’s album. I have them all. Oh, not forgetting BSB and Nsync’s album too. Haha. Those were the Pop days.
And I’ve been listening back to McFly lately, since I left without keeping track on them ages ago. Haha. Sorry lads, still love ya! Strumming my guitar to their songs, made me feel so good.
Just read Erika’s blog about Super Junior not being a permanent band. WTH!! SM Entertainment wanna add a new member to SUJU, which apparently who is Henry, that Chinese-Canadian guy. Henry is ok, but SUJU is fine with 13 member. It is the largest boyband ever to date!! If any changes ever happen to SUJU, I’m joining Erika to kill SM Entertainment. Haha. Yes, I will!
To my lovely girlfriends, I wanna go out with you guys. Just leave your schedules to aside for a while and let’s have fun aye? Shall we? Please? I miss hanging out with you guys. And also, girls, I need your help!! Really. Can you girls help me with my short film production? Plz plz plz!!! I’ll tell you guys the details later.
Yesterday, Azri gone a lil bit crazy. "Squeek, Squeek!" Haha.
That's about it, I think I'm getting sick.
Kayla Anika
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