Sunday, 29 June 2008

New Fan Of Double S.

hi punkettes...
It's a sunday, and I'm all alone in the house.
Cuz mum and bro went to Johor early in the morning and Dad already off to work.
But it's nice to be alone in the house once in a while.

Last Friday was the most relaxing day of my Year 2 life ever.
My team finished the PPT during the first meeting, cuz the problem statement was like the easiest ever. It's about viruses, what are they? And how to clean them? Easy right?! It is mostly about definitions.

The class watched Kungfu Panda in class. Well I've watched it already, I watched other videos instead. I've downloaded all the past variety shows that have DBSK appearance in it. Recently i've downloaded back Jiwhaza. Then laugh like an idiot in class alone. Hahahahaha.
Oh I've downloaded Super Junior Reality Drama Variety episode 1. It's old, but I wanna watch it again.

6 weeks more to end of Year 2 Semester 1. Ahaha! Class we need to plan for the BBQ already.
I know the locations is already decided. East Coast right?!

What else should I write before I switch my fandom mode on?
It was yesterday, Iqah told me about the WRSS 10th Anniversary dinner.
And I was like, "Oh ya, it was today, I forgot?!" Well she told me it was fun and she had a blast.
It was Mr Yap's (my sec sch physics teacher) birthday yesterday and they all celebrated it at the dinner too. Ok, glad you enjoy the dinner Iqah. And I don't mind of not going either.
Tell me more about it next time we meet ok, which I don't know when.

Oh, Erika and I will be helping Kyra out to design 4 outfits for Fashion Fest 08.
Thanks to Hafiz for giving us the opportunity. Hahaha.

Ok now.
*Fandom mode: On*
Yesterday 28th June 2008, I officially name myself a Double S fan.
SS501 that is. Hahaha. So I am Triple S now. (That's the name of the fanclub)
Well, I know about this band long time ago. But I like their song, I didn't really focus on them so much.

From left:
Kim Hyung Joon, Park Jung Min, Kim Hyun Joong(leader), Kim Kyu Jong, Heo Young Saeng.

And introducing my fave:

Park Jung Min!
He got this Junsu personality and Hongki/Kangin looks. Hahaha!

Ok enought bout them, I'm going to find out more. Hahaha.
Back to DBSK news.
I'm still waiting for the release of DBSK version MV of their new Jap single.
I think it's gonna be release after the single is out.
The boys are back in Korea to record their 4th album.
I hope Jae is feeling well by now, but now it's YooChun's turn to get the bug.
YooChun vomitted and having stomach cramps after filming and he was rush to the hospital.
Omo! I bet he is fine now.
YooChun-ah! Get Well Soon!
This goes out to all DBSK members, take care of yourself ok!!
Your health is the most important to us!!

ok that's about it.
I need to study for Java UT tmr. Haiz.
Kayla Anika

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Get Well Soon Hubby

hi punkettes...

Dad has finally give up using his phone that is so not user friendly.
He decided to give me instead in exchange for my phone.
Aha! Finally, the Motorola Rokr E6 is MINE! MINE ALL MINE!

Eventhough I don't like using Motorola phones, but at least this is touchscreen, I can navigate easily. As soon I got the phone, I downloaded new themes and other applications for the phone.
Now the theme I use is iPhone. Hehehe. Eventhough, I can't have the iPhone but having theme is enough. Yeah, at least I have a phone similar to Haptic.

Note: Haptic means 'to touch' in Greek? or was it Latin?! I can't remember, but I know the meaning is to touch.

Haptic!Haptic! "Touch Touch" Weeee....I like my new phone.
Enjoy using my phone aye dad!?! Good luck!! Hahahaha. Thanks Dad!! Saranghae!

GG wanted to go out today, cuz they have a job briefing at Busorah Street.
But I'm still sick, so I didn't go. I forgot to msg them early in the morn. So I text Azri. It turns out that he didn't go too, cuz he woke up late. Hahaha.

My PP is halfway done. I need to finish by the end of July.
Then I can consult Kyra to get the Poster done.

*Fandom Mode: ON*

My dear hubby was sick on the day I was sick too. Awww... June 24th.
And Yunho accompanied him to the clinic while I stayed at home resting.
Yunho oppa! Komawo!

He drives while he is sick!! Ish!! Yah! Be careful!!
You are sick, you shouldn't drive! Aish!
Anyways, get well soon.
Come home and I'll nurse you to health.
(Reality check: *As if* Hey! I can dream, can't I?! Hahaha)

The MV for Why Did I Fall In Love With You? is out but only the drama version.

The actor in the drama looks like Joo Ji Hoon from the side view but looks like Lee Junki at the front. Hahaha.
I so can't wait for the other version to come, the one that I've been waiting, the one with DBSK.
I'm still waiting patiently.

I've already watch episode 12 of Vampire Knight.
Good thing that Hiou Shizuka is dead, for good.
She's the pureblood vampire who kills Zero's mum and Dad, and also made Zero into a vampire.
Now I'm waiting for the last episode, which is Episode 13 that is going to be release on June 30. And that's the end of Season 1.
Then season 2 starts on October.

*Fandom Mode: Off*

that's about it for now.
Gotta find some new themes for my new phone. Hehehe.
Kayla Anika

Tuesday, 24 June 2008


hi punkettes...

My health was not in the best condition lately.
It was just yesterday I fell sick.
I've messed up Java real bad but at least I understand.
I skipped school today to sleep in, but it wouldn't work.

The pressie that I bought for Erika was already spoilt. Yeah, it was cheap.
But nvm. At least she love it, at first, initially. I don't mind.
Eventhough $40 was wasted, at least I'm happy that she's happy.
So Erika, u wanna borrow my mp3 back in case that bursary money of yours haven't come before school starts?!!? Or let's survey some mp3, we'll share the money, I don't mind, if you want to.

Ok what else?!
My ex-boyfriend, we're together when we're in Primary 6, but broke up a year later, has been hinting me so that I can give him a 2nd chance for him to win my heart again.
Gosh! It's hard when your ex in on the same school as you're in.
Let me tell ya, my heart is lock with complicated security codes (oh gosh, cheesy lines!).
I've said this before and so many times, No. When will you get that?!
Don't get me annoyed, until you lose me as your friend.
Ive got some living to do, don't assume I'm gonna be with you.

Enough about that.
*Fandom mode: On*
I just wanna share how similar the Park brothers are. (Park YooHwan & Park YooChun)

The last pair of pics was taken at the recent 2008 Dream concert.
Ricky(YooHwan) was there to support his brother and they both had the same hairstyle on that day. Wahahaha!

Oh, one day, I had this dream and Yunho was in it.
No Jaejoong, no Junsu, no Top, but the leader was there.
Out of the blue, YUNHO, for god sake!
I was in this resort apparently alone.
I was strolling around the beautiful resort at night.
I sat down at the bench looking at the stars and this guy sat right next to me, Yunho!
He spoke Korean and i think I spoke Korean too. My goodness!
I pointed to the constellation, "Cassiopeia!". I caught him staring at me.
His face and everything was staring right in front of me. Wow!

I just read this news about the anime Vampire Knight on Crunchyroll.
"Produced by Studio DEEN, the anime series' first season aired in Japan on TV Tokyo between April 7, 2008 and June 30, 2008. The second season will start airing on the same TV station in October 2008."

Yay! Just one more episode to go for Season 1, and there's season 2!!
Hurry up with episode 12 subs!! Currently the RAW one is out, but Im waiting for the subs!

Kayla Anika

Sunday, 22 June 2008

My Boyfriend Is Blonde

hi punkettes...
*Fandom mode: On*

I have to post these pictures of bf up:

He is BLONDE or was it?? Grey-ish!?? Goodness!!!
I'm so lovin every pic!! (well except for the 2nd last though)
Aaaah!! Omg omg omg omg!!

And and and, DBSK new Japan single 'Why Did I Fall In Love With You?' MV will be out today!
In fact, I've just watch the preview of the MV, just 13secs. It caught me off guard! I fell in love with the MV the first time I saw it, eventhough it was just the preview.
I'm waiting!! Gosh, can't wait!!

Total madness!

Kayla Anika

Saturday, 21 June 2008

Plain Lazy

hi punkettes...

Sorry for the late update.
I'm just pretty busy and lazy at the same time. Wahahaha.

Suppose to accompany Safiah to meet Buyot yesterday, but cancelled, instead we together with Fiqah and Kyra met at Causeway Point. I ate Spicy Seafood Ramen from the new stall at Banquet and I don't like the Kimchi. Next, I wanna try the Bulgogi. Oooh!

Then Fiqah went home early, left the 3 of us wondering around the mall.
Safiah wanted to buy a new hp pouch and she is so FUSSY. Wahahaha.
Then I have to go to Erika's house to transfer NFSMW to her computer, Kyra followed too.
It's been a while since the 3 of us hang out together.
It's fun hanging out with my 2 best friends. Talk and talk and talk non-stop. Wahahaha.

Ok, I have a confession
I'm starting to get addicted to playing the games at, be it taiti, zany bridge, sushido or match it. Oh dear! Must stop! Wahahaha.

What else?!
GG went for an interview at Nicklodean and never tell me! Ish! Haha. Oh nvm.

I've move on to another Anime series which is Vampire Knight, reconmmended by Erika.
The vampires are so so so kakkoi!! I mean so handsome and cool!
Kuran Kaname and Ichijou-senpai are my faves!!
I can't simply stop singing the theme song of that anime in class.

I'm still waiting for the next 18 episode of Shugo Shara! The subbers are on holiday. Quick quick!! Hahahaha.

Erm...anything else?!
I'm looking for a blogskin change so that I can feature bands just like Kyra did.
Wahahaha. Or maybe not. We'll see.

Before I forgot, Happy Birthday To Ryeowook!
He's turning 21. Best of health to ya, wookie?!

Kayla Anika

Monday, 16 June 2008

Why Did I Fall In Love With You?

hi punkettes...

Guess where I am right now?
I'm actually in school but not in class. Hahahaha.
Firstly, I am super late.
Secondly, just like the previous post said...I'm Lazy.

To the girls in class especially my partner in crime:
"Korg!! Sorry ehk?! Hahaha, korg tau la perangai fiza kan?! Wahahaha."

Later on I'm meeting Safiah & Fiqah later on cuz I wanna go to Bugis, to buy Erika's late bdae present. I can't tell what it is, cuz she might be reading this entry. Shhh....

So yesterday was father's day.
Appa, Happy Father's Day!
To in order to celebrate this father's day, my family had dinner out.
First fetch my dad from work then ate at Al-Ameen in Bukit Timah.
It was like damn, full of ppl, but thank goodness we got seats easily.
And the service was quite fast too!
We ate several kind of dishes, whoa!! Seriously, there were lots.
I was so so so so full. Hehehe.
And mum paid the bill, awww. Hehehehe.

I've changed the blog song to DBSK latest Japanese single which due to released on July 13th not July 23rd. The earlier the better cuz I simply love the song. It's sweet and like the sound of the harp in this song.

*Fandom mode: On*
Changmin fell during the Dangerous Mind performance at the Beijing DBSK concert.
I swear I had the youtube link somewhere but I'll post the link once I got it.
Or you just google it on youtube. Easy.
Aww...minnie. I guess the boys are damn tired!
Give these boys a break, they've done extremely well already.

And yesterday was the Super Triple Concert.
Hubby got a new haircut, not exactly new but it's the mushroom hairdo.
Hubby dear, I know you like my new fringe so much till you want it right?!
Hahahahaha. You can pull of anything off but don't stick to this hairstyle, okie?!
Ditch it! Hehehe.

I'll update more Super Triple Concert pictures soon I collect them.

*Fandom mode: Off*

i feel like going home, maybe i should. hahaha. bye bye!
Kayla Anika

Friday, 13 June 2008

Lazy Bum

hi punkettes...

I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...I'm lazy...


I'm left with 2 more days of holiday. tisk...tisk..
Oh well, look at the bright side.
I can't wait to see my classmates especially the 'Pre-schoolers'.

The Levi's warehouse sale today was nothing.
Nike Jackets for $10 but urgh! Whack...
Victoria Secrets lingerie is loved!

Hmm, what else?
I realised that people may look educated but the actual fact that they are the dumbest ppl around.
After sending Nadia to school today cuz she got an IT class, Mum told me to update the bank passbook at Admiralty.
And so I was queuing at the cash deposit machine.
In front of me was a tall girl, really nice dressing, look a bit like my age.
Then an old lady asked for her help cuz she doesn't know how to use the cash deposit machine.
Ok, when it was her turn.
She insert the old lady bank passbook the opposite way, the page was facing down instead the proper way is to insert page up.

I was like 'omg! what a dumb chic, just bloody read the instruction'.
And the instruction was flashing right in front of the machines screen, several times.
Still she inserted it the wrong way. In the end, she gave the passbook to the lady.
Seriously, that's really dumb.
I think she only know how to use the Atm card for cash deposit.
When it was my turn, it was a breeze. She looked at me, as if i had some kind of magic.

I was checking my school webmail, and the FFP peeps had an outing(again) to watch KungFu Panda. While I was checking the mail, bro was watching the movie online on the desktop computer. Wahahaha. So i watched it together. Seriously, it was damn funny!

I'm going to Johor tmr cuz I wanna buy my contact lenses.
I've been wearing my current pair for like 2-3 months?!
Time for me to get a new pair. Hehehe.

Oh ya, I've cut my fringe.
Bangs..! Just wait till it grows a little bit longer than I can have namchin's fringe.

*Fandom mode: On*
This is funny:

The various different facial expression of siwon.

At DBSK beijing concert, Junsu-shi, stripped again.
Omo! He just can't stand the summer heat.
June 15 is the Super Triple concert. Can't wait to see the pictures!!

Suju is continuing on their 1st Asia Tour Super Show to other parts of asia starting from July 12th. Please please please please please stop by Singapore!!!
I'm willing to buy the most expensive tix of the concert.
Oh pretty please. SM Ent!! Hear this out!
Singapore ELFs wants SUJU here!

Big Bang's Daesung is coming out with a trot single.Yay!
He's really good at it. Gosh, I can't wait!!

I've finished watching all the current episodes of Shugo Chara.
Erika already gave me the spoiler but I still watch it.

And I've changed the blog song again, still F.T Island but this time an English song by them called Always Be Mine. Hongki-yah, you need to brush up on your english ok?!
No worries, noona can help you. Hehehe.

To end off, I wanna leave this picture of Erika's boyfriend:

Hahahaha. He does look like fishy here.

*Fandom mode: Off*

that's about it for today.
Kayla Anika

p/s: I've just realised that today is the Friday the 13th. Omo! Wahaha.

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Cooking Cooking

hi punkettes..

*Fandom Mode: On*
And so, the new video from Super Junior H is out:

My gosh! It's cute. Kangin!! Omg!! I totally love his hair!

I'm glad that you had your hair back, Kangin.
Keep this hairstyle, i totally love it!

I don't have much to update today.
Kayla Anika

The Dog Named Kayla

hi punkettes...

I just have to write this down.
Ok, I was browsing thru a mcfly fansite, and i found that:

This dog with Tom Fletcher and his sister, Carrie was not the family dog, Christmas.
Apparently, Carrie adopted another dog (a Samoyed), the same kind as Christmas and she named her (a female one).........

I was drinking fruit punch when I read it, I splurted out the drink when I found out.
Awww Tom, you've remembered me. Hahahaha.
McFly new single called One For The Radio will be out on July 14th.
Just 3 days before Tom Fletcher's bdae.

that's about it that i wanna share.
Kayla Anika

Ps: I am still laughing over this thing.

Monday, 9 June 2008

All About DBSK

hi punkettes...
Hang out with GG today, we sat at the park (the one right in front of the Woodlands Stadium).
We played some games that Azri brought and talked till afternoon.

*Fandom mode: On*
Just look at these new photos of DBSK

I thought the last one which was taken at the Grand Canyon was photoshop-ed.
Bt actually, it was not. They will be releasing a new photobook soon! Yay!

It seems like Jae forgot to zip his pants. Hahaha.
Actually the pants was meant to be like that.
Yobu-yah! Are you playing peek a boo? Hahahahaha. =)

Ok now, more Dream Concert pictures.

Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun and my fave from Shinee, Jonghyun.

When I saw this picture, I gave a mild scream.
It's my fave from Suju, Kyuhyun and my fave from Shinee, Jonghyun together!

Sungmin on guitar!

Super Junior having fun!

Gorgeous Wonder Girls! Nice pose Yoo Bin unnie!

*Fandom mode: Off*

Just a few days left till school re-open.
Damn, how time fly so fast.

One thing I should remind myself.
"Stop waiting. Move On."
He doesn't qualify your best man.
Crush isn't a crush anymore.
He's out!

that's about it for now.
Kayla Anika

Sunday, 8 June 2008

Dream Turned Into Drama

hi punkettes...

It was raining heavily in the morn yesterday and I woke up, I was like, 'Oh Shit!'
Cuz my plan to go to Chinese Garden with the girls could be ruined.
But the night before that, I wasn't having a very good night sleep.
Why? Well, Natasha and his brother was slept over at my house.
And of course, I have to sleep with her in case she woke up in the middle of the night wanting something or having nightmares. Me, Natasha and her brother were sleeping at the living room.

4am, all of a sudden she sat down, eyes still close and she was holding her blanket.
I was like shocked. I called her name, she answered but still with her eyes close.
Then I told her to get back to sleep, she lie down but she was rumbling with the blanket, eyes close. Creepy, but it got me awake all the time.

4.30am, her brother woke me up asking for a drink. and yes I have to get it for him.
5.30am, Natasha did it again. I couldn't sleep after that.
6.30am, thank god mum woke up, so she could take care of Natasha in case she did it again. I went back to sleep at my room.

Then at around 2pm, The usual 5 became 4 cuz Kyra got something caught up at the last minute.
Though it was raining, we continue with the plan. Eventually the rain has stop.
Some pictures:

More pictures click here.

Enough of that.
*Fandom mode: On*
Yesterday too, was the dream concert 2008.
It was suppose to be a 'Dream' concert it turned into a drama instead.
There were a lot of fans bashing (as usual).
This time was worse, banners got ripped off, booing was there, silence during an artists perfomance, rudeness between fanclubs....etc etc.
Haiz. I don't get it with these fans.
Why can't they support peacefully?!

DBSK was awesome as usual!

Killer Smile alert! Hubby you look amazing!

Oh Junsu!

Was that an itch or a wink, Micky? Hehehe.

And I love the Red Sea:

It says, 'Hi! TVXQ!'

And yesterday too, while Dream Concert was going on,
In Thailand, Big Bang was having their Global Warning Tour concert.

Ferocious dragon, G.Dragon

Mr. Golden Sun, Taeyang.

Victory glory, Seung Ri.

D-liteful, Daesung

And last but not least:

How could I not forget all about namchin.
Suave, TOP.

Damn, i wish i could be at 2 places at a time.
Haiz. Hahaha. Nvm. Seeing these pictures made me happy.

I've change the blog song to F.T Island first Japanese single called Soyogi.
It's from their mini album, the Prologue of FT Island- Soyogi.
It's a nice song but I hate Hongki's hair in the vid. Hahaha.

*Fandom mode: Off*

ok now, that's about it.
I'm off to watch Shugo Chara.
Kayla Anika

Friday, 6 June 2008

Shugo Chara

hi punkettes..

First up, Birthday Wish:
To A.Rasyid 'Ace', Happy 19th Birthday!!
I've already wished you earlier on Msn, cuz seriously I almost forgot.
Thank goodness I looked at the calendar, then I remembered your birthday.

Lately, after catching up with all those entertainment news that I've missed, I'm back into watching anime. This time Shugo Chara! I think it was Erika who recommend me this, or was it my cuzin?? But i think it was Erika, it was you, isn't it? Oh nvm. Hahaha.

Shugo Chara is about a girl named Amu Hinomori wished she would be true-self and along came 3 cute guardian angels to help her. The anime is cute and has a good storyline.
And I like this phrase at the beginning of the each episode,
"All Kids Holds An Egg In Their Soul, The Egg Of Our Hearts, Our Would-be selves, Yet Unseen."

Today, Little Natasha and her brother made a surprise visit to my house. Yay!!
I brought her and her brother to play at the park just behind my house.
She loves to run around and play the playground.
Furthermore, Natasha will be sleeping over.
Finally a chance to sleep with her since she was a baby.

I'm going out with the girls tomorrow for a picnic at Chinese Garden. Hahaha!
I bet it's gonna be fun!! I will never forget to bring my camera along tomorrow.
And take lots and lots of pictures.

*Fandom mode: On*

Ok now, Super Junior has another sub group establish called Super Junior H.
H stands for Happy.
It consists of Sungmin, Shindong, Yesung,Kangin,Eunhyuk and Eeteuk.
Their album was released yesterday and first single of it called Cooking?! Cooking!
I guess this sub group is meant for the summer vibe.
I bet there's gonna be a lot of sub group from Super Junior ranging from A-Z! Hahaha!

Oh yes, tomorrow, Dream Concert 2008 in Seoul!
DBSK,Suju H,SNSD plus other K-pop artists, will performed.

And tomorrow too, Big Bang gonna have their concert in Thailand!

Kyra!!! It's tmr!! Aigoo...
We wish we were there!!
Oh nvm.

that's about it for today.
Kayla Anika

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

유천 오빠! 생일축하합니다!

hi punkettes..
유천 오빠! 생일축하합니다!
I wanna wish Micky Park YooChun, Happy 22nd Birthday!
He's turning 22/23 today!
Erika! It's your husband bdae!!
Take care of him okay, focus on him once in a while or else he would get upset. Hehe!

YooChun oppa, take care of yourself, stay healthy, smile always, work hard and play hard too!
Please do watch out for Jaejoong for me aight?! Hehehehe~

*Fandom mode : On*
Check this out:

Junsu just killed me and made me alive again.
Dang! This is sexy I tell ya!

*Fandom mode: Off*

I better stop so that I could sleep at night. Hehe.
Before I end, I'll leave a pic of my cuzin, Natasha.

I edited the pic. This was taken at the chalet in Port Dickson.
I was bathing her after her swim in the pool.
She just jump into the bath tub, making it her own little swimming pool.

that's about it for now.
Kayla Anika