First of all, I wanna thank Fiqah for accompanying me to Bugis today. Thanks a lot! Secondly, this: Yippeee!! Finally, the Mirotic CD that I've ordered, have arrived!!! My gosh, the box is so shiny! Hahaha.
I bought the version A one. Cuz I want the photobook! I spaz all over looking at the pictures inside it. Though I've seen it before I got mine, bt I still went gaga over it. It's like I finally got them under my skin now. Wahahahaha.
With Mirotic, it adds to my collection of CDs now. Though my CD player is broken and I got the songs downloaded already. I still buy the original CDs. Ok ok, you can say it's a waste of money. But hey, my collection of CDs are my prize possesion. Hehehe.
These are my K-pop CD collection so far. And it is growing...Hahaha. I'm looking for DBSK's Triangle and Rising Sun album, anyone have it, willing to sell? Next on my list will be: ShineeWorld. SUJU Attack Of The Pin-Up boys movie DVD. Tohoshinki 'T' Concert DVD.
Yah!! I'm still hyper since my CD have arrived!
Oh! Erika, my mum and dad haven't gave any answers for the Japan trip. I've already told them. By the look of it, I don't think I can go. But hey, if you did go, just bring me a sakura flower home for me. That's all I want. Haha. No need for fancy souvenirs, just sakura. Okie?!
ok now. that's about it for now. toodles...cheerio Kayla Anika
I've picked up that accent that I threw away long time ago again. Yeah, that English British Accent. This is the easiest accent you can pick up. Recently I've been watching back some old n recent interviews of Mcfly. And their sense of humour really never change from how I love them back then. Also, I downloaded their 4th album Deluxe Edition yesterday. So I decided to change the blog song to their current latest single, LIES.
I am also starting to write back my fanfic that I've stopped long time ago. Probably start on a new plot of story. Hmm...what should I write?! The pathetic holiday has started, so I might have some time to write fanfics.
Grandma is still here at my house. I miss my bed. Oh well. It's nice to sleep in the living room. Cuz I get to watch late night TV!! Hahahaha! But I havent been getting enough sleep, slept at 4am, being woke up at 6am, then again at 7.30am, then after that woke up at 10am. Haiz. Oh well, thank goodness it's the holidays!
Why I am having my holidays while the other are schooling?! And when the others have their holiday, I am schooling!! Argh!!RP!! Grrr...
Stop complaining, or else you'll get kick out of school. Cuz you know, RP even invades ppl's blog. So I better shut up!
that's about it for now. gosh, I need some sleep. toodles...cheerio Kayla Anika
First up, I wanna wish this girl right here, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Be Healthy always and good luck in your future endeavours! And also, Happy Birthday to your twin too. I wanna put up the worst picture of you but, since this photo the nicest one, I put it up. Hahahahaha.
Yesterday night, Dad suddenly wanted to go out, he suggest to look at the Deepavali street lights along Serangoon Rd. So we took the car and went there. It was beautiful, I have to admit, much beautiful than Hari Raya lightings. But of course, there were a lot of indians doing last minute shopping. Traffic jam, but only a bit. The whole stretch of Serangoon Rd was light up beautiful, well since it is the festival of lights.
Then afterwards, I thought we're going home but we stopped by East Coast beach. Yay! Beach! Omg, how refreshing it was to sit by the beach at night! I super love it!! It would be romantic if you're with your boyfriend/girlfriend there. If there were no one around there, I wanna shout, "Jae seobang Saranghaeyo!"[Jae hubby, I Love You!]or "Junsu-yah, nol sarang handa!" [Junsu! It's you, that I love] This might be weird, but since I was a little kid, I believe that whenever you shout someone's name across the sea, the person will receive it. Weird aye?! Hahaha. But there were ppl around so I can't shout, ppl might think that I'm crazy, shouting in a foreign language. So we sat there quite a while, I listen to my mp3, while counting the number of airplanes taking off, since Changi Airport were quite nearby. Haha.
After that, we went home. I told my dad, maybe I want to make a bdae bbq pit at East Coast next year. He said, ok! Hahaha. Yay! Cuz it's a gd thing that my bdae falls on the weekend next year. Nothing much. Grandma came. She sleptover. So I have to sleep outside tonight with Nadia. Speaking of Nadia, she watched High School Musical 3 with her dad today. I said to her that I wanted to treat her to watch that movie, and since she went with her dad already, my money is saved! Hahahahaha.
well, that's about it today. internet is ironically slow today. Grr...i can't download anything on clubbox since it is so slow!
So to all my Indian Hindus friends out there, Happy Deepavali!
Yes, and so, it's the holidays. But only for a week, pathetic! But nvm, I wanna catch all the animes, dramas, movies that I've missed.
First up on the list, Vampire Knight Guilty. 2nd season is finally out! After much wait. I've watched epi 1. So I'm gonna watch epi 2 and epi 3.
Then next Shugo Chara, Season 1 is done. Still they havent get the Embryo, last episode was so close. Now, Season 2 is out. Gonna watch the first epi.
Then, Kyouran Kazoku Nikki. Heard there's 2 episode left. I'm gonna watch it the past epi that I've miss.
Lastly, Chi's Sweet Home. The series already ended. So the remaining episode I've yet to watch. I love this cute cat! Hahaha.
Dramas?! Hmm...any good drama to reconmmend? Maybe I should start watching more Jdrama. Hmm...probably I should search the drama n movies that Shun Oguri stars in. Hehehe.
I'm still coughing and seriously I hate dry cough. Super irritating. I went to Ikea Tampines with Kyra today after she finish school. I want to survey some stuff cuz I'm getting a room refurbishing next month!! Yay! I'm gonna get rid of my current bed that is so damn bulky! And also, my old dressing table really have to go!! I wanna a simple room with not a lot of furnitures inside it!!! If Dad approves, I want to paint my room, Pearl Red! Cassiopeia vibe!! Hahahaha.
While in the bus home from Ikea with Kyra. We both talk on how the members of the clique have their own special abilities.
Like, Me, I'm good in IT. Anything about computers, they came to me for help. As for Kyra, Graphics and clothes. Fana, Environmentalist. Hehehe. Safiah, she's gonna be a nurse, any injuries we go to her. Fiqah,Iqah & Erika, are specialists in business. Fiqah in Admin, Iqah in Marketing, Erika in Logistics. I never realised we got this abilities that could help one another. Hahaha. That's why we make a good team!
I can't believe some of stories about my other friends and what is really happening to them. How they've change from who they were that I knew. It's really ironic. Oh well, I ain't no paparazzi to find scoops on them. I hear what I heard. I see what I see.
Ok, I need to watch those animes right now. To Azimah: Waalaikumsalam! I Miss you girl! =)
Firstly, i hate being sick! Who doesn't right?! Flu just sucks! My voice sucks! I can't talk...
Jae honey, where are you? You gotta cook for me a nice hot meal for me, darling?! Hehehe.
Dad woke me up at 8am again! And he told me to go to Grandma's house, to accompany her, cuz she's alone. I said to him, I'll wake up at 9am, cuz I just simply can't open my eyes. Though I'm still sick, I go. I thought of sleeping once I arrived there, but I can't. So I waited until my cuzin got back from school, and after that I left. I was drizzling, no umbrella, no hoodies. Aish!!!
So I'm thinking whether to go school or not tmr. Depends if my body can take it. If my voice came back.
.... Fandom mode: On. Let's post pictures of Family Outing shall we? Start with Yunho. Yunho's pout.
Annyeong! Hello! Haha.
Now, Junsu. Oppa! What are you doing?! Headstand?! Whoa..
Captions say: Choah, Choah! Uri, dong bang shin gi ya! It means: Good! Good! We are DBSK! Hahaha.
I was laughing my butt off seing this. My little dolphin sleeps so rough, like me. Yeah, I do sleep like this.
Oppa! We got something in common. Using our arms as pillow! Hahahaha. Just look at your blur face in the morning!
Hardworker. Love ya!
Ok now. That's about it. HSM 3 opens this friday. Should I go watch it?! Hmmm... Probably I bring Nadia along.
I realised that eating wholemeal bread can make me sick. Well not literally sick, but I woke up today and was coughing all day long! Instantly I caught a flu. What the heck!
Just read Erika's blog abt her first day of internship. Well unnie, I know you hate it. But what your mum msgs you is right. UNNIE HWAITING!!!!GANBATTE!! Before you know it, it will be over soon.
I was watching Family Outing the 2nd part with Yunho & Junsu. So damn hillarious! Yunho knock his head on the ceiling. Junsu slept like a kid. Junsu did headstands b4 sleep. Aigoo..Haha The way dumb n dumber brothers roll over the floor. It's so funny, eventhough it's without subs. I'll screen caps the picture once I'm done downloading the HQ one.
Mizaemon: Happy 20th Birthday girl! Sorry I can't make it to your bdae pit at East Coast today. Anyways, Happy Birthday! Good luck for your future endeavours!
Erika: Sorry I was so so so late meeting you and your mum last friday. And thank you for accompany me pre-ordering that CD. Hehehe.
Kyra: Sorry cuz I got you into that situation. It was partly my fault, I didn't know she was like that. You know what I'm talking about.
My primary school peeps: Sorry I can't make it to the Raya outing today, cuz I was Raya outing with my family too. I'll try to make it next year. Hope you guys had fun! Hafiz, Sorry eh!!!
Ok then enough apologizing. I was Raya outing with the whole family today. Basically visitting dad's friends when he used to work in a bank and also visitting late granduncle side of the family. Dad woke me up at 8.30am! Omg, my eyes couldn't open! He bang the door as if he want to break it. I slept again, 1hr later, he woke me up again. I guess I have to get up. Eyes still couldn't open. Ok nvm. He told me to get ready cuz we're going to go out for Raya visitting.
So I got ready. Then I saw mum wearing really casual (pants n long blouse) and not Baju Kurong. Then I said, "I thought we're going out for Raya visitting, why are you not wearing Baju Kurong." Mum said, "Yes, why can't I wear like this? " I walked away. I don't know why I was feeling pissed at that time, probably because I always told ppl, that I really don't like ppl going for Raya outing without wearing proper traditional clothes, like what kids like to do nowadays. I realised that I can be pissed a little minor things like this.
Kyra internship is on Year 3 when she thought it's Year 2 Semester 2. Hehe. According to her blog, she get to learn Japanese in Sem 2. Grrr...I wanna learn that language. Ok nvm. Kyra, when you can speak Japanese one day, you gotta teach me!!
While Kyra is having her intership in Year 3, Erika's internship in on Monday. Good luck my dear! Good thing you're not alone, and also good thing that you are assigned to different company rather than that ulu, Airport Cargo Rd one. So I guess, our trip to survey that place is a waste. Hehehe. Nvm.
Wei ling is being random while I was updating this blog. She said this on Msn:
Then a few mins later she asked me this:
Aigoo, ling, so random! Hahahahahaha.
Ok move on to fandom mode: Boa American single MV is out, but it's the asian version which I like better than American one. American one havent released yet, but judging from the teaser, Asian one is better.
Her hoodie in the beginning is quite disturbing, I can't see her face! Bt it's an awesome song!
Ft Island new video is out too.
Omg, Jaejin-ah!!!!!
And this picture:
Best friends cutest post ever!! Awww....CUTE!!
Oh yeah, before I go, I've change the blog song to Pussycat Dolls newest single called I Hate This Part. This song is currently stuck in my head.
that's about it for now. toodles..cheerio Kayla Anika
Happy Birthday to my first Super Junior love, Lee Donghae! Oppa turning, 22/23 today! Oppa! Finally you've cut your hair, judging from the recent pics. Well, be healthy, don't overwork! Take care of your health okay, fishy!! =)
I found this on youtube, a remake of Wonder Girl's Nobody song, rock style:
Well I guess, I end it here. Right now, Im feeling pissed, feeling sorry.
Dad got discharge today. Thank goodness! Bt it's too bad that he celebrated his bdae over the weekend. Hmph! He's ok now, bt have to watch what he eat AND.... Have to quit smoking, well, slowly that is, bit by bit.
I can smile now cuz he's ok. I don't have to be scared anymore.
He will be resting at home for 2 months! On MC for the whole 2 freaking months! Wow! Wahahaha. Glad that he's back.
Well, I will post pictures here now.
Well about a few days before Dad got into the hospital. Little Natasha came by my house for Hari Raya. She found my digital camera in my room and quickly took pictures of me n her. I was like, "This girl really a camwhore," Hahahaha. Then with the camera she took pictures of everybody! The 2nd collage is basically my cuzins from Msia when they came here during Hari Raya.
Now, Hari Raya 08 with the clique collage.
1st collage: Nenek (Safiah) & Me. Haha. I know that she gonna where green, but didn't expect to be the same as me.
2nd collage: D100dgreez. Yes, all 7 of us are there. Last year, Erika wasn't there. This year complete 7. So we have to take a lot of pictures.
3rd Collage: There were 9 of us including Sheila & Safiah's cuzin, Ain.
That's all for photos.
Fandom mode now. I just downloaded Family Outing, the episode with Junsu & Yunho in it. Though, it was without subs, but still I laugh like hell. Junsu made an attempt to cut a live fish. Haha. The fish flick a bit, and everybody where like "WHOA!!" Hahaha.
Yejin was guiding him all the way n Hyori being nice taking off his necklace for him.
This is funny. Junsu tap the fish with a knife slightly, then the fish flick, everybody run away.
"Sorry fishy!" Hahaha.
How cute can he get!
Aww..Daesung helping his Yunho hyung. Sweet!
Yunho being a nice guy here feeding his Hyori noona. Aww...Haha!
Can't wait for the subs n the next episode! I wanna see how Junsu look like when he wake up in the morning. Definitely, blur blur like me. Hahaha.
Oppa! Red Hair! Omo! Hot! Reminds me of your Rising Sun days, where you get red highlights.
Oh ya, I've read from Erika's & Kyra's blog about an article posted by Coolsmurf (a k-pop celeb gossip blog) that Singapore gonna have a Korean Festival 1Nov-18Nov. 4th Nov there will be a K-pop concert!! Line up: Andy(Shinhwa), JunJin(Shinhwa), Chae Yeon, Wonder Girls, U-kiss, 2PM, VOS.
It's like omg! I wanna see Wonder Girls & 2PM!! If only they slot Big Bang or DBSK or Suju. Bt I guess that's impossible. Girls, if you got any news on where to buy the tix. Tell me ASAP!!
I wrote long enough. I will try to find time to update this blog.
hi punkettes.. . I was happily going out Raya house visitting with the girls. When I found out that my dad had admitted to the hospital. As soon as I found out I was worried like hell, though I smile.
I came back home late around 10pm. I thought mum gonna be home late, bt I guess I'm wrong. Mum gave a long lecture cuz I came late, and telling me that as though that I don't give a damn about the whole matter. Well, I admit that I should have came back earlier since Dad already in the hospital. Ok, it's my fault. When Mum told me that the doctor said that it's a heart attack case. My heart sank upon hearing that.
Around 11pm last night, I heard mum talking on the phone to grandma, and explaining the details further. My heart sank deeper. I burst into tears. I was so scared. I couldn't sleep last night, feeling guilty that I should have came home earlier and rush to the hospital. I cried myself to sleep.
I called Erika and Kyra, then Iqah called, then Fana text me. Thank you girls, though I can't sleep yesterday, but at least I felt better.
Today, I woke up, see myself in the mirror like a total wreck. My eyes were swollen red, hair gone crazy. I dress the slackest ever to the hospital. If there is fashion police, I think I will get caught.
As soon as I arrived, I burst into tears again. I think Dad saw me, bursting into tears. I didn't want him to see me cry. The reason why I started to cry, cuz I see him with all these wires, monitors, IV around him. I felt so helpless. This is why I hate hospitals!
So I spend the whole entire day in the hospital. As the day goes by, his condition is stable. Alhamdulilah! I see him smile, I felt so relieved! Mum and I got tonnes of calls from Dad's friends and relatives asking about his condition. Relatives came and came. Thank you all.
I hope Dad doesn't celebrate his bdae in hospital which is this Saturday. It's just so miserable.
So back n forth to the hospital I will go. Until Dad got discharge.
Appa, Get Well Soon. Saranghae!
I will keep telling myself, "Kwenchannayo" (It's Ok, in Korean)
To my clique: Sorry for the delay of uploading the 'Raya' photo. I will do it a.s.a.p.
hi punkettes.. It's been quite a while since I last update. I really don't know what am I going to do with school now. Seriously, I keep dragging myself to school and I hate it. I seriously lost my motivation to go to school.
My friends were there, but not in the same class. GG were there but we're separated, we shld meet up often. The pre-schoolers were there, I guess I'm stuck with Huda. Hahaha. As Im updating right now, I'm stuck in Woodlands Civic Library with Huda. Sorry Junior!
My PP done, but need reworking again. I seriously don't know what the advisor wants.
All I can hope for to cheer me up is Fandom. I really need to go to school, MOTIVATION!!! HELP!! RP really reminds me of secondary school. Phone calls and warning letters. Urgh! I rather have tonnes of project with lesser school time. How I envy Kyra! Hehehe.
Hari Raya has been awesome. Relatives come and come, more green packets for me. But soon the money will be spend. Wahahaha. Oh shoot, I can't be a big spender.
I'm going to Raya house visitting with the clique later. All of us gonna be there. All 7! We need major camwhoring. Wahahaha. I'm gonna post the pictures definitely.
Let's move on to Fandom shall we. I've watch Hana Yori Dango the movie with Erika the other day. I havent watch the drama but Erika told the whole story to me. Hahaha. Well I know what Hana Yori Dango is all about. I can't wait for the korean version.
Hubby and the gang, official came back. Did I mention this already?! Hehehe. Bt as soon as the came back, most of them got sick. I was watching Sukira the other day, Junsu and Jae is sick. Then a couple of days, YooChun is sick, collasped as soon as he got home. Seriously, SM need to give these boys a break, they've been going back n forth to almost everywhere.
Ok, I gotta meet the girls now. I'll be back with photos of the Raya hse visitting.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!
To all my friends who know me: I would like to ask for your forgiveness regarding anything that I've done wrong, Anything that I've made you angry or hurt or any sin that I've done to you, Please forgive me.
Well, my raya celebration turn out great. Yesterday morning, went to Johor, Grandma's house. This year, we're gonna celebrate at Mum's side first. When we arrived, my aunts and uncles, cuzins, everybody were busy preparing. My uncles were doing the 'ketupat' and my aunts were cooking. Well I help a bit. Hehehe.
After that doze off, till evening. After break the fast, more preparation to be done, by only a little. I was a little bored cuz little Natasha wasn't there, cuz she and her family celebrate at her dad's 'kampong'. Oh well, I got others to play with.
Well, this is my grandma's house at night. I didn't realise how beautiful it is at night. Suddenly I remembered late grandad, he used to light up the lightings right in front of me during Hari Raya, when I was a kid. Damn, I miss him!
TV full of great programmes during Hari Raya. So I watched them all.
Then today, woke up at 8am. And got ready to wear my new Baju Kurong. This year's theme is Green. Me familia! (Bro, Dad, Mum & Me) Then as usual, ask for forgiveness with everybody. I got emotional when I ask forgiveness with my mum. I was in tears, a lot of tears. My cuzins were mocking me saying I was a crybaby. Hmph! Haha! And of course, get green packets! Hahaha. Food was extremely great. Oh gosh!! I was tempted to eat a lot!! Argh, my weight!
Arnd noon, went back. Damn, stuck at the causeway for 2 hours. I fell asleep in the car listening to Mirotic album. Being a driver can be a pain sometimes, I respect bro's driving now. Hahahaha.
In SG, raya with Dad's side. Not all of them were there, cuz we came back late. So we're only met grandma. But the rest came to my house at night. More green packets!
Im damn shag right now, seriously need some sleep. Tmr got school!! I have to go. Since I've been MIA. Oh well. I just read this on Erika's blog: "Anika!!! Dont eat too much!!! Watch ur weight babe!!! Hahahaha..." To be honest, I ate a lot. Wahahahaha. Cannot resist the rendangs and sambal goreng!!