Saturday, 24 February 2007


hi punkettes..
ok now i see that nisa and Lara are changing names, i mean their nicknames. Nisa used to be known as Riona but now she would like to be known as Kyra. And now, Lara changed her name to Erika. Whoa, do i need to change my name? But what??? Honestly i think the name Kayla, is not compatible with my Jae Joong. Kayla & Jae Joong. Weird? Kayla & Hero? More weird. What new name??? I've already got a Japanese name, it's right there on my email. Miaka and also Hikari (taken from Fushigi Yuugi Eikoden, Miaka's child). Hikari means light(i think). Hikari & Light Yagami. Weee...hahahaha.

Well after thinkin about it, i was flipping some old mags in my room and i come across to this name. Anika. Which means, Grace. Does it sounds asian like? Hmmm. Anika & Hero?? Hahaha.

Hmm. Nisa, Safiah and Lara now are currently crave over this new craze in town, called Hana Kimi. It's a taiwanese show adapted from a japanese manga. ok honestly, i didn't watch the show, cuz i dunno? maybe im not into taiwanese thingy so much. the 2nd thing, i've got lots to catch up, i haven't finish watching all my DBSK videos and interviews and plus goong s epi 4,5,6. my computer has been a little fuck up. super slow. haiz. well nisa is already crazy about one of the actors, Jiro. And Lara picked the other cute lad(according to them) which is Wu Zun? i dun even know the names. all i know there's a girl from SHE name ella and the JJ Lin guy. that's it, that's all i know about hana kimi. sorry girls, if you're talking about hana kimi to me, i don't even know one thing, all i know about hana kimi are the stuff that i mention above. nisa is into jiro's band which is farenheit. hmm. cool!

hmm, friday. i went to play badminto with fana,safiah and lara. Nisa cancelled last minute cuz she got tummy ache. awww...PERIOD!! Hahaha. it was fun, i knicked off Nadia's badminton racquet cuz i dunno where i put my racquets. oh well, met up Lara under my block and we went to marsiling. met safiah and fana. next off to woodlands sports hall. played for like 2 hours there. damn, im tired. really knackered. safiah was really funny, i couldn't stop laughing with all her funny antics. classic! hahahaha. after we had done playing, lara and i went off to CP. i bought a drink in cold storage while Lara bought her Sweet Talk Strawberry Milk Tea. That's her favourite, so far she never buy anything else other than that at Sweet Talk.

today, it's shopping day for me with mum. yeah. mum woke me up saying that she wanted to go to mustafa center to find something for my relative wedding present. but plan changed instead we went to geylang to find some clothes for the wedding ceremony. mum hasn't found hers, but i found mine. it's a long blouse. i really really really like it a lot, cuz it's orange! hahaha. it's not that ultra bright orange, it's a really nice sweet orange with really nice graphics and floral printings. next mum wanted to go marine parade, went to my fave shop over there other than topshop, Top 20. Saw a celeb there, Dalina Jaapar. She's a malay TV presenter/actress. just act normal, i didn't ask her autograph cuz i ain't a fan. blargh! i bought 2 tank tops, 1 black and 1 brown. well actually the tops are for my long blouse. cuz the blouse is quite a see-through blouse. i also bought a sandal.

so basically for today i bought.
1 Long Blouse
1 Black Lacey Top
1 Brown Lacey Top
1 White Sandals
March Issue Style Magazine.
all courtesy of my mum, thanks mum!!! mum says she gonna buy me more clothes at this fashion. yippee!!! yay!! yahoo!!

We came back home around 6pm and then a few hours later, went out again. this time, we fetch my dad from work. i borrow some books and 2 Teens magazines. both features DBSK inside and 1 features McFly. Hahaha. Yay!! it's a gd thing i didn't scream when i was browsing the magazines. hehehe. while reading, there's some a few facts that i didn't know about DBSK. and one of them is that, Hero cooks!! hahaha. My hero oppa cooks for the band!! But now he doesn't cuz he doesn't have time. Hehe. You can cook for me, ok?? Hero oppa? Sarangheyo!

before i forget, i wanna wish happy birthday to Yaara! Luke from McFly Media PMed me about the video thingy for a present to yaara. i wanted to do it but my camera sucks! but anyways, i've already wish her happy birthday just now. so happy bdae girl!

anyways, holla at me back at my tag and what do you think of Anika as my other nickname.
not to worry, i will still use Kayla. Kayla Anika? Hmmm. Hehe.

ok now,

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