hi punkettes...
Finally, today, I get to watch the last installment of Death Note. Acutally, it is a spin off.
It is called L Changed The World.
Honestly, I completely forgot about the premiere is today, then Erika text me about it.
I agreed.
We thought of watching it at 2pm, but cuz of me and my 'F' necklace, we decided to watch it at 4.30pm slot.
I thought I've lost my 'F' necklace today. I've search the whole house for it. And finally I found it in the kitchen. Haha!
Then around 3pm, we went to CP to book the tix.
Walk around CP to pass the time, then met Azri in Popular along the way.
At 4.30pm, we watched the movie. It was full house!
The movie was okay, it shows the last 23 days of L life before he died quietly.
L was so cute being a babysitter and the way he types on the keyboard.
It all makes sense with the anime now, on how Near or N, L's successor comes about.
The whole cinema was laughing cuz of L's weird and cute acts. Like the way he straight his back up and walks, cuz he always bend his back.
Overall rating I give is 4/5. Haha! Because of the Live actions and L cuteness. Haha!
So all those Death Note fans out there, watch this movie. Those who don't, don't bother, cuz you won't understand. Haha!
I think I'm not gonna sleep tonight, cuz I just woke up from sleep. Yeah, after I came home and eat my dinner, I went to sleep.
Erika just gave me a link to Super Junior Star King Xmas special on youtube, so maybe I'm gonna watch it till morning.
Kayla Anika
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