I'm back...miss me? Haha.
It's been a week since I went for a holiday...
and now finally I'm back...Hehe.
Overall the holiday was okay.
Not that fun...but it's relaxing..
There's so many events, and I'm lazy to write about it.
Ok, maybe I will write some, Hehe.
In Penang, guess what I saw, it's K-pop related,
It is about their concert at the end of this march in KL.
The poster is in the middle of the Penang Road. I immediately text Erika about it.
Haha! I was shocked! It is in Penang, for god sake. If it's in KL, I don't mind.
But in KL, I don't see their posters, maybe there is but I didn't see any.
The apartment that me, my mum, and my relative stayed in Penang is quite big and the view is awesome. It overlooks the sea and besides we're at the 19th storey. The apartment is on a hill.
It's refreshing to wake up in the morning and look at the sea, cuz I love the sea so much.
It gives me the sense of tranquility. Hehe! And I saw a rainbow! Haha!
Another relaxing moment was when we we're on the way back to KL from Penang.
Stop by in Taiping, Perak and went up to Maxwell Hill. It's my second time there after first one which was like 3 years ago. And of course, the higher u go, the colder it gets.
At the top of the hill which was like 1000m+ above sea level, it is cold.
Too bad we can't see the view cuz of the thick fog. But it's cooling and quiet.
I was like meditating for a while there. Haha! My mind, for the first time is at total ease.
In KL, my aunt decided to visit other relatives that I swear I didn't know them.
So like I said, the holiday is definitely a relaxing retreat for me.
Now I'm ready for the school term! Haha! But still the laziness is always there.
Ok, now I wanna catch all the things that I've missed for the past week.
Esp in entertainment news. Need to download the latest songs. Haha!
I'll upload pictures if I have the time. Cuz blogger is being a pain today.
Kayla Anika
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