Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Be Strong, R.O

hi punkettes...

Yesterday night (ok, it was around 1am in the morning), I received a phonecall all of a sudden.
Which is so rare cuz I rarely receive any phonecalls in the wee hours except the other day Fiqah called me at 3am and I didn't answer. But when I asked her why did she called me, she said it was an accidental call. =.=

Ok back to the rare phonecall yesterday. That phone call was from Saleha. She was sobbing on the phone. And then she said, Rashid Osman (R.O) got admitted to the hospital. I asked what happened, she said he got into a bike accident cuz he is the pillion rider. He is in a critical condition and right now in TTSH ICU. I was like, "Oh my gosh!" And so I decided to go with her today. Oh my gosh, my heart sank upon seing him lying there helplessly. I held back my tears cuz there were a lot of people there, but Saleha was already sobbing. I hate going to hospitals and being in ICU is worst! Because, the surroudings are so gloomy with people around you suffering from either injuries and sickness. I can't help it. I'm weak in terms of this.

Currently, he is conscious now, can recognise his friends and family, he can talk but not as clear as normal. His internal part of his body were badly damage including his organs, ribcage, hipbones, backbone. These damages are mostly at the left part of his body.

Well, though he is conscious now, but according to his mum who told Saleha, something pierce his heart and left a hole there. I'm not sure about this because his mum was talking to Saleha and me who just beside his mum couldn't hear what his mum was talking about. But somehow this is what she is trying to say. So a machine like a 'life-support' is supporting him because his heart is weak. Doctors say there's 50/50 chances of surviving. Well, most doctors would say that right, because they definitely can't say 100%.

All we can dow now as his friends was to pray and hope that he will recover soon and he can pull this ordeal through.
R.O hwaiting!

I'm like having a new phobia now, motorbike! After seeing R.O being like this, I scared to ride bikes now, cuz I'll never know that I could end up like R.O. Gosh!

Most of my secondary school mates came but most of the came in the evening, but I have to leave soon because I've already promised Kyra, Fana, Safiah and Fiqah to play badminton with them. So at 5pm I went home, and deliver the details to them. After we finished playing badminton, we sat and talk while waiting to meet Iqa at McDonalds. Then all of a sudden, Safiah was being random and talking about marriage and tyring to predict who among our clique will get married first. Totally random! Hahaha. And we draw lots!

Ok here's the result, we drew 4 times to be accurate.
1st draw:
1st. Me
2nd. Fiqah
3rd. Fana
4th. Safiah
5th. Nisa (Kyra)
6th. Iqa
7th. Niza (Erika)

2nd Draw:
1st. Nisa (Kyra)
2nd. Safiah
3rd. Fiqah
4th. Fana
5th. Niza (Erika)
6th. Iqa
7th. Me (I've fallen from 1st to last, which is great!)

3rd Draw:
1st. Fiqah
2nd. Nisa (Kyra)
3rd. Safiah
4th. Iqa
5th. Fana
6th. Niza
7th. Me (Yay, I'm last again!)

4th Draw:
1st. Nisa (Kyra)
2nd. Iqa
3rd. Fana
4th. Me
5th. Fiqah
6th. Safiah
7th. Niza (Erika).

And after 4 draws we've come to a conclusion,
The Final Position:
1st. Fiqah
2nd. Nisa (Kyra)
3rd. Fana
4th. Safiah
5th. Iqa
6th. Me
7th. Niza (Erika)

So, fiqah, we give you approx 5 years to get hitched. Hahaha.
After this was done, we went to meet Iqa at McDonalds.
And basically talk n talk.
Oh yeah, Erika was there too with Aslam, and the rest met Aslam for this first time.
Well I met him about a couple of times now, so as for the rest it's the first.

So, once again, all I gotta say is, Be Strong R.O.
I can't believe I am saying this though I'm kinda like always dissing him like how he couldn't accept that he lost to a dance battle with me once. But hey, a friend is still a friend.

Kayla Anika

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