Monday, 25 May 2009

Scary Mary

hi punkettes...

The auditions is about 2 weeks, and I'm already starting to feel the pressure.
Will I be able to make it through? This pressure is worst than FYP man!
Thank you Aunt for giving me the tips on how to control your voice so that you won't be out of breath. Scary Mary. [Learn this new phrase from cuzin, Izan]

I feel ready and yet unprepared.

Still I can't wait for Bowling session with the Clique, BBQ session with GG Family and also I might be on another holiday trip. Haha!

Hmm...what about school?
School is being a pain lately, sending me unnecessary warning email stating that I don't declare my temperature readings. WTF! I don't even get the declaring email la!!
And accountings is officially is a pain in the arse. I've studied like an idiot on Thursday and then find out that the test was postponed due technical failure. Darn! FYP codings will officially start tomorrow, first up, Miza is in charge on index page.

Oh! Nisa! I need to meet you asap to discuss about the proposal!! When are you free, babe?
Beep me whenever you're free aight!

Haiz. I'm missing my little camwhore.

Addidas just had a sale and I've missed it. DARN!

Kayla Anika

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