Wednesday 5 October 2011

Out of Brain Juice

Hi punkettes.

It's been a long time.
Since I started working, my routine would be go to work, go home, tired, eat then sleep.
Weekends I spend my time with my friends and also my family.
I've been out of the computer for quite a while. And I haven't even have the time to update this and also tumblr.

Since I started working, I think I'm running out brain juice.
My brain is getting dry. I kept forgetting things. Oh my!
But my personality doesn't change.
I've been working for 4 months, and I like the job? It's 50/50.
I neither hate it or like it. Neutral I guess.

When I have work it will be like a tsunami, tonnes and tonnes of tidal wave like work will keep coming.
But then when I don't, it will be boring as hell!
And now, as writtng this, I don't have any work to do.That's why i can update. Teehee! =)

I am going to USS this weekend. So excited!
My virgin trip to USS! And also to celebrate GG Family's little boy adulthood, Azri birthday!
How awesome could that be!

I wanna congratulate my cousin, Shazana on her wedding on 16/9-18/9 & 1/10.
It's so nice to have all my cousins gathered at the same time. =)
Since my cuzin is married now, that puts a pressure on elder bro so hard.

He supposed to be wed on March 2012, but due to unforeseen circumstances, the wedding has been called off. It's okay though. Tbh, I don't even like that woman in the first place. Hehehehe.

So erm, I'm the 4th grandchild and the 3rd granddaughter, so my relatives were like I should get married soon. Hmph! Hahaha. My aunt asked whether I have a boyfriend, I told her, no I don't have one. She then asked why? I replied, erm, no one suitable i guess. Then she said, "Y U SO CHOOSEY!!!" Hahahahaha!
It's not that I am choosy but I am finding a husband not a boyfriend. So husband is your life partner, so I have to choose very carefully. Hahahaha!

Like a malay saying, "Jodoh itu terletak di tangan tuhan,"
So I leave god to find my husband, I know he is somewhere out there.
"OI FUTURE HUSBAND! Can you come up please! Hahaha"

Hmm, what else should I update?
I can't think of any, brain juice is running out.


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