Wednesday 30 August 2006

Pissed and Bored

hi punkettes...
i didn't go to school today..cuz 1st of all..i overslept...2nd i got this freaking cold...i couldn't sleep last night...cuz i kept crying for some bloody scared of something...not the dark neither not the boogieman...hahaha...i've afraid of something...but i don't know what it's those type of feelings that you can never know how to express it...

y ppl hate to see me happy??especially right now...while i was writting this...mum and nadia was eating lunch...nadia asked..."kenapa kakak tk makan?" then mum answered..."bab ader ikan...kakak mana suka makan ikan..apa yg dier makan daging ngan ayam je..." omg im so pissed...i do eat fish especially ikan bakar... and also fyi..i love kangkong seem to be that she thought the only food i eat is chicken n meat...damn it...i do love that..but i don't eat that often...i thought she knew that i love grilled fish..and kangkong...MUM!! you've been living with me through all these years...and you doesn't have the slightest idea that i do love fish and vegetables...omg!!!...darn im so pissed...and you thought that the fact im getting sick easily just becuz i don't eat??? it's bcuz im farking stress you know...i've been studying my ass just don't know...and now me being studying even more...y can't you just get it mum?? haiz...

ok ok...she's getting old...she's 49 this friday...and i got her present i have to bare with it...ok enough of i said the lads never fail to make me smile...i saw this few pics and it was cute...

aww...lovely's tom n danny...hahahaha...

it's harry...instead of the cricket's the drums cymbals..hahaha..

and i seriously love this pic of girls aloud...especially sarah..cuz she's my fave...i like her outfit on this one...and nicola's outfit too...this pic was taken from the freaky friday UK these rock outfit is cool...nicola i want your shirt...hahaha..sarah is so called the rock chic in girls aloud...cuz i know she can play the

ok now...that's about it for now...any other sutffs and gossips..i'll update soon..



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