Tuesday 27 January 2009

Typical Typical

hi punkettes...

Have you ever feel that sometimes you're unappreciated? I can't stand it.
How does it feel when people blame you for their mistakes? It's omg!! Argh!
Oh well, nvm. I don't know when this heart of mine can take it, I'll 'Just Go With The Flow'.

Ok anyways, I think I don't wanna maintain my current bangs, I'll keep it long or style it in different ways I can think of. Why? because I don't want to be typical. 2 of my cuzins are having bangs so I don't wanna be in the 2.
It's just me, I don't like being typical, because they're boring.
Mat Reps & Minahs are the perfect example of 'TYPICAL', that's why I hate them.
Being different and also being myself is my main style.
Dressings, Hairs, Fashion are my sub style. You can say it whatever, but it's just me.
Speaking of fashion, one more thing, when I saw some auntie wearing something that I wear, I won't wear it anymore. You know how sometimes those 'aunties' wants to be youthful but look absolutely wrong.
If anybody is cramping my style, I have to look for another style and call it my own.

A few things that I've learnt something from the 'Problematic Months'.
1. When ppl are in love, you definitely cannot do anything to it even if it changes the person's personality.
2.Do whatever is right, even if people may think you're wrong.
3. Just Go With The Flow.
4. Be absolutely fine if someone doesn't agree with you.
5. Pray a lot and hopefully God will answer your prayers, cuz he answered mine.

This is a shoutout to Azri,
Dude! When are we going to have the 'Sweeny Todd' themed photoshoot?
Sounds like fun! When? Where? How?

Ok then, I'll end it here.
Kayla Anika

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