Wednesday 9 July 2008

Bongok Glasses

hi punkettes...

I did major shopping on Tuesday. Well not actually major but I bought 3 things.
Skirt, Glasses and the one that Erika would like to call, 'Bongok Spectacles'. Hahahaha!
'Bongok' means dumb in Malay.
I really need a skirt cuz I've got only 3 pair of skirts. Oh ok, make it 2, cuz one skirt the zipper is spoilt. So I got 2 pair of skirt now.

The 'Bongok' spectacles that Erika called was this actually:

It's that shades worn by boyfriend. I bought the same one.

Hahaha. Boyfriend shades. Hey TOP, I got ur shades.

Other than that, I've knicked this off Huda's blog,

1.The way to win your heart?
; Appreciate me for who I am. Able to make me laugh. Charms and Charisma.

2.What did you do last night?
; Watching SS501 videos.

3.what is ur fav. thing to do?
; Shopping, Eat my fave foods, dance,sing, hanging out wif my friends...

4.Are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend?
;Erm, currently no. If it comes early, I will accept.

5.One song that's meaningful to you?
; Beautiful Thing by Kim Junsu. Eventhough it's korean, but the meaning of the song is what I believe in life.

6.Do you twirl or scoop your spaghetti?
; Twirl!! That's the way to eat it.

7.Do you drink milk straight from the carton?
; No. Absolutely not....

8.How long is your hair?
; Shoulder length

Do you like Batman?
; Hahaha. Ok ok.

10.Who was the last person who told you they loved you?
; Erm, hubby?! Wahaha.

11.Addicted to anything?
; Music! I'll get new addiction once in a while, but always is Music.

13.Do you like anyone now?
; No. The crush is over. Time for new one. Wahahaha.

14.When was the last time you sang out loud?
; Last sunday, I sang karaoke at home, alone.

15.What did you have for breakfast?
; I woke up late today so my breakfast was my lunch, Nasi Bryani.

16.when is ur best b'dae celebration?
; My 19th!!

17.are you attached? who is that person?
; I am married to Kim Jaejoong but have a boyfriend named Choi SeungHyun in a scandal with Kim Junsu.
How complicated is that?!! Hahahahaha. It is make-belief of course!

18.Can you cook?
; Yup and still learning.

19.Did you have a nap today?
; Not at all.

20.What was the reason you got in trouble last?
; Erm?! What was it?! I'm a good girl, you know.

21.What do you wear more, jeans or sweats?
; Jeans!

22.When is your birthday?
; 5th July.

23.Do you swear a lot?
; When I'm really pissed.

24.Where did you get the shirt(s) you're wearing?
; Erm, mum bought it for me.

25.Do you have any regrets?
; Yes I do. But I won't tell...

26.What was your first alcoholic drink?
; None! I ain't allowed to...

28.What color are your favorite shoes?
; White.

29.Who would you like to see right now?
; Other than my fave celebs...NONE.

30.Are you a social or antisocial person?
; Social of course. Love my friends....

31.Have the cops ever come by your house?
; Erm, nope. None.

32.Ever been in love?
; Yes I've been in love.

33.Ever had braces?
; Nope and not planning to have them ever.

34.Who was the first person to really break your heart?
; Forgive and Forget already.

35.what do you treasure most now?
; Other than my fave things, My family, friends, LIFE!

36.Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them?
; Sakinah, since Kindergarden, bt then lost contact with her since I move house in 1997.

37.Who was the last person to disappoint you?
; None. I've been happy lately.

38.Do you trust people?
;My family and best buddies of course! Bt i don't really trust ppl easily. Strangers definitely no.

39.Who was the first person you talked to today?
; Mum, I asked what's for lunch. She cook my favourite today!

40.what do u wan to say to ur love ones?
; I love you!

that's about it
Kayla Anika

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